
The photos of your father are really beautiful and I think it is a very beautiful place to visit and get to know him. ;)

Nature!!! Weren't there any sneezy snakes?

Those are nice shots, Your Dad took nice photos of nature, esp. when Cameras were not that powerful as of today!

Great pictures! I have been there. Now I want to go back!

Is there really a waiting list now? Is that a bit overkill?

I didn't know about the list.

Yep, that's what I've heard, anyway... </3 '

I guess the large amount of visitors was leaving wear & tear.

Go Dad Go! AHHA he was quite the adventurer! They are cool photos, but you know me I just eat this stuff up.

It's definitely like a different world there...

Yeah! Looks really arid and calm, although I'm thinking cougars and mountain goats. Some rattlesnakes? :)

I'd be curious about what year these were taken in because I notice some geoengineering.

I was thinking that too! Esp. on the mountain peak view. I'll have to find out.

Your father has a great eye. The place looks special to me because I haven't been anywhere that looks like that! The trees look like they are barely hanging on to the rocky terrain. Color is great too!

Glad you like 'em! I tend to make fun of my non-art posts, because I'm terrified people won't like 'em and I'd like to beat them to it :D

Ha ha... your creativity is always evident art or non art!

Even when I'm technically posting someone else's work :D

Yes your self-deprecating presentation is the creative part!

I can find myself relaxing here lol

I can too, it's pretty serene, although it must have been extremely hot temps :)

Lol. Good descriptions there. You've captioned them well. :)

I wonder if there are any "drop bears" there? :)

(Just learned about drop bears yesterday, so I'm using them in every other s̶e̶n̶t̶e̶n̶c̶e̶ paragraph today.)

Lol. So, it's word of the day then?

I'm thinking they probably aren't in that environment though, sorry. Regular bears? yes, drop bears? not so much.

I was just clicking your page and wow you posted something!

I know! I almost didn't have time... but... I had some spare photos laying around fortunately :)

Those are lovely shots

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