[For extra rewards, insert long and rambling text about pareidolia here, starting with the words: "Have you ever looked at the sky".]
Nonameslefttouse may want to sue the skies for plagiarism.
Water can do a nice job as well:
Whatever you see, it wasn't there.
Nice capture friend
I used to love tweaking photos to make the perceived patterns even more outrageous
You cheater you! Almost as bad as photographers!
I saw what the Boomeister saw, a freaky, ghost-y image on my ceiling with only one eye and a big mouth. He kind of cheated, and made it himself, but I saw it first.
Beautiful bright blue sky with wonderful white clouds! Great shot! ;)
p.s. I'm not sure what I see..... Okay, I believe you, "it wasn't there". ;D
Yeah, I know it's all optical illusions and "pattern forming," but it was still fun to lie in grass when I was little and look at the clouds go by... and occasionally exclaim things like "Look! Santa Claus!" and other such things...
very nice photography.
very nice sight and good photography