The Ramadan Khajana Hyderabad organized
Many Muslim Muslims around the world come to wish the most holy holy month Ramzan Throughout the prayer and fasting of the Creator, religious people observe the whole month.
Along with fasting in the special year of this year, there is a change in the normal life-style, as is the case with other food and the whole Ramadan meal. After fasting all day, daily iftar is added to delicious delicious food.
Indian food items along with food items, Indian subcontinent positions That is why the Khajana Restaurant of Gulshan is waiting for the guests, arranging the royal wedding of the deliciously healthy Hyderabadi food all over Ramadan.

Halal made from masala made with best pulses, wheat and adequate meat has already made it in the list of all the choices, every day iftar, and various types of kebab and paraota, khazana zilpi are all in guest service.
Director of Operation Abhishek Sinha, Khajana Restaurant said, to serve guests the original taste of Hyderabad, the famous five star hotel chef Md Sadiq Sheikh came.
Every item made for iftar and dinner has been prepared to comply with the Hyderabadi recipe. Like Hyderabad, there is a rich history of food there. With the enjoyment of the meal here, visitors will see the last Nizam (Nizam Sir Mir Usman Ali Khan Siddiqui VI Asaf Jah) of the Hyderabad and Berar states, and also the historic, rich monarchy.