NSPART - Marilyn - Series - Part #1 (NSFW Boobs) and Pro Tip for Photographers.

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

This is a set of Marilyn, she does mostly fashion work but also some nudes. I posted some Fashion Nudes of her at this link here... https://steemit.com/photography/@nspart/nspart-fashion-nudes-3-image-series-nsfw-tatseful-full-nudity

This is some of my older work... I shot these for a client but retained ownership of the photos and licensed them to he client. Kind of a modern pinup style in  the processing.

PRO-TIP For Photographers:
When working with models but especially nude models the most important thing is that the model feels comfortable, safe, beautiful and that you have good rapport with the model. I very often have clients or models that have never shot nudes before hire me to shoot them nude or implied nude.

I generally try to discuss what we are going to shoot before hand. But sometimes it was not even discussed before hand and the feel they want to and are open to the idea or ask to.

I feel that every woman should have some very sexy nudes or implied nudes done so that when they are 80 years old they can look back and see how they looked in their prime. Clients often hire me just for that reason.

As you can see my work on here styles I shoot range from Very Artistic to Pinup and even more erotic and explicit (I have not posted much of that yet) in all cases the rule is still the same the model must feel, comfortable, safe, beautiful as that will always show though in the pictures just as if the model is uncomfortable, self-conscious, unhappy it will also show and ruin the shoot.

Let me know if you would like more tip and dialog about the images. If the payouts reflect it I'll be happy to take the time to do it. :)

Camera: Nikon D800
Lens: Nikon 24-70 f.28
Lighting" 2 Alien Bee AB1600s with huge softboxes

The Next Part Will be NSFW also.

If you like my work please upvote, resteem, follow me  and check out my other work in my other posts.
Also since votes don't always = $ if you want to keep my work coming your can send me SBD Tips to @nspart
to help support my art and fund better more creative shoots or buy my    work as limited edition prints,  posters and on Tshirts, or even hire   or  sponsor me for custom photoshoots. Contact for  info. 

Some more posts of my work...
 Most Recent Post About My Work Getting into a Show and Book (Video & Pictures Mild NSFW):

One I think you'll like if you liked this...

Most Successful Posts:

Fine Art Nudes/NSFW:

Test shoots:

Modern Pinups:

Subdued Tones - Matte Finish Style:




I like your pictures @nspart and I'm not afraid to say it! ;)

Thanks I really appreciate it!

I've always had a bit of a soft spot for tan-lines on breasts...well, come to think of it, I guess it's more of a hard spot ;)

Speaking of which, there are three things that I like: me, myself, and women.... but mostly me.

I wish this content wasn't on Steemit.
Pretty much showing women as sexual objects.

I don't really care what you think. Mute me and you'll never have to see it again. And no it's not showing women as only Sexual Objects. It's showing women have a sexual side and these woman want to show that side. No one is forcing them to do anything. Many times they pay me to shoot them and bring out that sexual side.

I don't see any of my models as just sex objects. They are all multi-dimensional beings with personalities, dreams, goals, etc... Only an obtuse simpleton would ever look at a woman or man as just a sex object. But all people are sexual in nature and they should celebrate that and my work is honoring and celebrating their sexuality, sensuality and erotic aspects of their being.

It sounds to me like you are trying to restrict a woman from showing her sexual and sensual nature.

Bruh, your photography is great, I just feel there is way more other ways that you can show sexuality.
I understand that you have freedom to show your work, and I respect that.
I just wish this type of content wasn't on Steemit.
Peace !

Mute me. This is what I do. You do your thing I'll do mine. Peace. I shoot all styles from sensual to explicit. And you better hope there is more content like this on here. Because the Adult side of things is why we have internet like we do. Without it it would have never taken off. Adult content drives technology and that's an undisputed fact. It's why VHS killed Beta, it's why we even have video streaming today and it's why IG has taken off, and other apps like Youpic.

I agree with you that all content should be allowed on steemit and there should be no censorship! It is the most productive thing to be able to accept everyone in the environment. Also you seem very respectful and professional with the women you work with during your photography session!

I do not think it was productive to censor her comment; As that is ironically doing the same thing that you are against; Censorship!

You censored her because you did not like her opinion about not wanting this content on steemit and her believing that these pictures showed women as sexual object! I feel this is counter productive to the censorship free movement.

Yes, she chose to open the post and make her comment but she has that right to state her opinion. In no way did she try to censor your picture. Then you stated a very good response with your opinion and telling her to mute you.

I understand that her comments may have seemed offensive but it was not abuse. Please unflag her comment to support the censorship free movement and to set a good example for the people who are consistently abusing the power flag! Thanks ^_^

I'm going to do video on this... But it's rude give unsolicited critiques to an artist of any kind, photographer, model or attack their work. Period.

Their work is their self-expression. So yes it's it an insult and many do take it personally, which is why some people never even show their work.

If a person is not supporting me or paying my bills. I'm not interested in their opinion of my work as they are not contributing anything positive to my life. An upvote is support but even then unless I ask I don't want a critique for the reasons I'll explain below. I judge my work on how many like, upvotes, sales, positive comment. Do you know what it takes to get someone to stop and take their time to say something nice with the short attention spans people have today?

I'm not here to please everyone, I'm here to attract the people that like and support what I do. I not interested or open to criticism from random people, debates or negativity.

I ask people to stop of they are if they persist I consider it harassment or bullying and mute them.

They can talk all the want outside of my page. There is enough negativity, self-doubt, unsolicited and constructive criticism Artist and Creatives have to face without adding more.

And just as I feel that Steemit should be uncensored I also agree that full nudity should be tagged as NSFW so to prevent those from seeing it that do not want to. Much like I feel I don't want to see people attacking or criticizing my work. It's not helpful or useful to me. Because for that one person there maybe 100 that don't agree with their opinion.

I only ask for Constructive Criticism from from mentors, clients, people who's work I admire and those who like my style and work. Anyone else it's a waste time as they might have a bias against it and not be objective.

That being said I respect your opinion and the of others, but I also don't go around attacking other peoples work. If I can't say something positive I don't say anything at all as who am I to judge their work.

I would delete those comment if possible but since I can't I down vote them and ask them to mute me. I'm not vindictive I will not go attack them or critique them out of spite.

Freedom Speech and Uncensored Speech does not mean you can say what you want, when you want and where ever you want. It means you have the right to voice your opinion and view without going to jail. And in the proper forum. People seem to not understand that which is why we have harassment and cyber-bullying and cyber-stalking laws, and restraining orders.

Mmmm interesting, it is indeed a very fine line. I do see your point about people giving unsolicited critiques that stifle art! but here on steemit (just like all social network) everything is not asked for. You share yourself online and open yourself to everyone!

The only difference here is one can not delete comments because of the no censorship creation. Everything is so subjective to perspective, so it is indeed hard to say what is and isn't abuse. What you could find as abuse, I could find mild and Vice-versa!

That is true, it is easier for some to stop and say something negative than positive! because of the trigger effect. I also agree that if you say stop or mute me and they persist then that is definitely harassment and deserves a flag.
Yes I am for uncensorship too and the NSFW tag. We are indeed lucky the dev team added the NSFW filter so fast, otherwise there would still be wars everywhere!

Yes, I understand that the criticism is not helpful but that is a part of life. Unless we put filters on everything like many of the social networks do (censorship), then it is inevitable to encounter these things at one point or another; All we can do is handle them to the best of our ability like you have done.

It is fortunate that the NSFW will stop most of these criticisms from happening. But others do not have filter to protect their art. true they may experience less criticism but they will experience it and will have no filters to protect them. So they must deal with it like all of us have to.

The reason I say all this is because I feel the flag is already to easy of a system to create censorship of what is and is not like by a select group of people. For me and you with low SP, it is not a big deal . Yet for those who have a large amount of SP the power of the flag could easily corrupt, especially if the conspire with others with high SP.

I respect your opinion too, that is why I appreciate your comment; To give me a new perspective on this subject.

Yes, I know you can't since steemit does not allow that! I agree about asking them to mute you. Glad we can converse in a way that we can express our ideas and opinions. I still believe the flag is overused but that is just how I feel. Keep on expressing yourself through your creations, don't be discouraged by others.

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