The Historical Penunsula of İstanbul (English/Turkish)

Yesterday we took a trip to the historical peninsula of İstanbul. Eminönü was our first stop. Eminönü is an ideal place for photography, seeing the Golden Horn on one side and the Bosphorus on the other. In the picture below, you see the Golden Horn and the Galata Tower.


In the picture below, you can see the Bosphorus Bridge connecting Asia to Europe.


One of the most important works of the historical peninsula is undoubtedly Byzantine Empire's Hagia Sophia church built by in the 6. century.


The dome of the building is 55.60 meters high from the ground. It makes the interior impressive.


The building, one of the most important structures of antiquity, was built by architects named Anthemios and Isidoros.


Thanks for reading.

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Tarihi Yarımada

Dün ailecek tarihi yarımadaya bir gezinti yaptık. İlk durağımız Eminönü'dyü. Bir yanından Haliç'i, diğer bir yanından İstanbul Boğazını gören Eminönü fotoğraf için ideal bir mekan. Aşağıdaki resimde Haliç'i ve arkada Galata kulesini görüyorsunuz.

Aşağıdaki fotoğrafta ise İstanbul Boğazı'nı ve Asya'yı Avrupa'ya bağlayan Boğaziçi Köprüsü'nü görüyorsunuz.

Tarihi yarımadanın en önemli eserlerinde biri hiç kuşkusuz 6. yüzyılda Bizans İmparatoru I. Justinianus tarafından inşa ettirilmiş olan Ayasofya kilisesi.

Antik çağın en önemli yapılarından olan bina Anthemios ve Isıdoros isimli mimarlar tarafından yapılmış.

Zeminden yüksekliği 55.60 metre olan kubbesi binanın el önemli özelliklerinden.

Okuduğunuz için teşekkür ederim.


I know from history that the interior contains numerous murals, mosaics, silver and gold coatings, elements of terracotta and ivory. There is even a legend that says that Justinian originally planned to decorate the decoration of the temple entirely of gold, but the prophets dissuaded it, predicting the times of impoverished and greedy emperors who would not leave a trace of such a luxurious structure.
The decoration of the museum is so rich that it is almost impossible to briefly describe it, and not a single photo of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul is able to convey the elegance, atmosphere and energy that are inherent in this place. Therefore, it is best to see for yourself its greatness and be sure to visit this unique monument of history.

oh waaw such beautiful city photography 😊😊 enjoy your day!

O kubbenin nasıl durabildiğini anlamak çok güç. Gerçekten inanılmaz bir yapı

Üst kata çıkılan dikdörtgen bir yokuşa benzeyen merdivenler çok ilginçti. Mimar Sinan'ın eserlerine kıyasla doğal ışıklandırma biraz zayıf. Yeterince penceresi yok binanın. O zaman için müthiş yine de.

Hi friend! i am from venezuela an i am new in this social network.That country is amazing.It food.I would like to go to again.I share you one picture when i was thereturquia 2.jpg

Galata Tower is a building I like.

Istanbul ealier Constantinopole was greatest city in medieval age with good conditions of trade and defence. Ottoman Turks always wanted to conquer this city because this city was culture and military centre on Black Sea with christianic Greecs(they were enemy for muslim Turks). When Turks conquered Constantinopol in 1453 greecs philosophies and sciencist with their ideas and knowledge have escaped to Italy.

But it is still nice city


Turkey was very important country for muslim's after the country Saudi Arabia.Because the muslim Ottoman empire was established in turkey and it was spreading almost whole middle east.At that time they are established many historical structure on turkey.These historical structure always hail up turkey an important country among the muslim people's.

Turkey is a country full of history at the beginning of the rise of the Ottoman Empire Islam is very rapidly developing in the country. I really like the turky country

The pictures are nice though i have never to instanbul but I know is a nice place to be. Nice structures. I believe the people there should be nice too. Well done great job

Turkey is very beautiful country ! I just started a project on Greek islands go check it out

great pictures, especially the Bosporus bridge, I'd love to see it in real life!

Hopefully some day soon :)

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