Red rose

in #photography7 years ago

Assalamualaikum best friend STEEMIT wherever you are this time I will post photography of roses are so red and following photography of roses



Roses are a kind of bush plant of the genus Rosa as well as the name of the flower produced by this plant. Wild roses are composed of over 100 species, mostly grown in the cool cool northern hemisphere



roses are also useful in the field of health because it has many benefits. Rose oil produced from the extraction process has long since Bunga Mawar Has Meaning Meaning Meaning with Million Colors Each color of roses has the meaning and meaning contained inside This type of rose is one of the roses is quite unique because it is not colored red Character the characteristic of roses in general we can see from the form of flowers that have a crown of flowers amounting to five strands with a variety of colors. A compound leaf, each stem of which consists of at least 3 or 5 to 9 or 13 leaflets and leaflets (stipules) are oval, pinnate bone, edges of beringgit edges, tapered at the tip of the thorny daundan on stems close to the ground. ... Ovari is at the bottom of the crown and the leaves of the petals. · But there are also categories of roses that crowned double. Habitat of roses grows in temperate, tropical and sub-tropical regions. Can be in open ground or in pots. Flowering in all seasons

bunga mawar juga bermanfaat dalam bidang kesehatan karena memiliki banyak khasiat. Minyak bunga mawar yang dihasilkan dari proses ekstraksi sudah sejak lama Bunga Mawar Memiliki Beribu Arti Arti dengan Sejuta Warna Disetiap warna dari bunga mawar memiliki arti dan makna yang terkandung didalamnya Jenis bunga mawar tipe ini merupakan salah satu bunga mawar yang cukup unik karena tidak berwarna merah Ciri ciri bunga mawar pada umunya bisa kita lihat dari bentuk bunganya yang mempunya mahkota bunga berjumlah lima helai dengan berbagai variasi macam warna. Daun majemuk yang tiap tangkai daunterdiri dari paling sedikit 3 atau 5 hingga 9 atau 13 anak daun dan daunpenumpu (stipula) berbentuk lonjong, pertulangan menyirip, tepi tepi beringgit, meruncing pada ujung daundan berduri pada batang yang dekat ke tanah. ... Ovari berada di bagian bawahdaun mahkota dan daun kelopak. · Namun ada juga kategori bunga mawar yang bermahkota ganda. Habitat bunga mawar tumbuh di daerah beriklim sedang, tropis dan sub tropis. Bisa tinaman dalam lahan terbuka atau dalam pot. Berbunga di segala musim.

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