Ayo my fellow Danger Zoner! :)
Checked out your posts and i really like all that photograph thing! I have just started my blog but i am also about to post a lot of cool stuff about it.
Pretty cool that we have similar people in our community. Have a great trip to Tallin today. Too bad i couldn't make it.
Hello there! 🤗 I have heard about you but only now checked out your blog, definitely following to see what kind of photography you have in store for us 😊
You have? That is pretty cool. Guess its that pretty catchy nickname i am stuck with :D
I have a lot of portrait oriented shots which are not really good for blogging (who knew right), so i have to come up with some new stuff now.
This weekend i think i'm going to Rally competition so there might be some pretty cool materials coming up.
You better take some photos from the meetup! :)