Movimientos de las olas del mar/Movements of the waves of the sea
Observe the waves of the sea, their movements is something that fills me with fullness, I feel in sync with the waters of the sea. I can be very tired or stressed by the day to day or by unexpected situations that happen to you and when I go to the beach I see the synchronized movements of this immense sea everything happens to me, it is magical, it is really divine magic, magic of nature, magic of the Universal font that created everything that is and everything that exists.
Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!
Settings: ISO-80, F/9.4, TV 1/250
Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!
Settings: ISO-100, F/3.3, TV 1/125
Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!
Settings: ISO-100, F/3.3, TV 1/125
Thanks for watching my post.
Camera: Digital Samsung PL120
Lens: 4.7-23.5mm/1:3.3-5.9/26mm
Location: Venezuela
by: @mirla33