🎬 New Music Video + Making of / Ivica / Original Content

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Just finished another music video, just two days after the last one! Crazy days :)
Anyway, if you are following me you may have seen the story I wrote about 3 weeks ago when we finished the shooting of this music video, and that we thought we are cursed :D
I'll gonna write it up again quick for those who haven't :

First and foremost we had a problem with getting a permission for shooting on the grounds of SC Jarun (lake and woods in Zagreb), it's city property not private, and you would think we could get that easily, but... no. Just to say it now, we had 0$ for making this video, and the people from SC Jarun asked us for 7000$ per day for this location. We got dozen of papers that prove that we are students and that this is a non-commercial shooting, but the guy from SC Jarun just didn't want to give up and was trying to fuck us over for 2 months so we don't get the permission.

But, he fucked with the wrong Mexican.

We were stubborn as hell, so we gone to the city council and gone into Kafka quest for getting that permission, and literally the day before shooting we got it! So he could not stop us anymore!

(analogue portraits I took during the short brakes)

That was problem numero uno.

Then there was a dozen problems ranging from costumes to dancers.
My roommate Diana was one of the 5 dancers in the video, and she hurt her shoulder real bad 4 days until the shooting, so we had to find a replacement, but surprisingly that showed to be one of the smaller problems of this shooting :)

Another problem was that we needed a gloomy, foggy day with snow. Two days before shooting the weather was like that, even the day before. But the morning of our shooting came and everything was peachy sunny af.

And that was not the end of our suffering! Half time trough the shooting, director of photography, Dario, broke cine adapter for his camera (that costs 800$), and at that point we thought ok, we are going to shoot this with a phone, but he rushed to his apartment, and came back half an hour later with a solution! it's kind of a long story of explaining how, but it was pretty brilliant.

And last, but not the least problem was that after we ended the shooting, the next day we saw we need to re-shoot a scene, and well, we set up a date. And brutal winter came. Ha! At that point, Dario and I was totally chilled, ok, let's write up a scene with snow, dream like sequence, we need to finish this somehow!

And here is Dario and me shooting that scene:

Here's the video:

Please don't hesitate to comment and invest in my existence!


it's cool although full of lika meu but you successfully make it. success will always be with you @marinauzelac

svaka cast za neposustajanje! ali iskreno ne mogu da verujem da toliko traze za snimanje, pogotovo sto je u pitanju projekat studenata i jos ce im ispromovisati teritoriju. nakon emitovanja bilo kog spota, koliko sam primetila danas, lokacije na kojima su snimani postaju prilicno posecene i to moze svakako da im donese profit ili razvijanje turizma. al jako mi je drago da uprkos svemu izadjoste kao carevi :) btw, pohvale za spot, svidjaju mi se boje a zvuk me malo podseca na joy devision :)

Alternativni bend iz Srbije koji neće preći baš puno više od nekoliko hiljada view-ova teško da može da im donese bilo kakvu vrstu promocije moraš priznati :D
Ovaj lik je samo šupak neviđeni!
Nego, hvaaala, stvarno ne znam kako smo uspeli da skrpamo da liči na nekaj sve na kraju :)

onda daj da ih ispromovisemo ovde, uvek sam za to da cujem nesto kvalitetno! :) slobodno mozes da napises gde ih mogu u Srbiji cuti :)

Sutra baš sviraju na Kontakt Konferenciji u Cetinjskoj, ako si u Bg-u! :)
A evo njihove stranice https://www.facebook.com/ivicaofficial/
i bandcamp-a sa svim izdanjima : https://ivica.bandcamp.com
ako te zanima da poslušaš!

taman sam trazila gde sutra otici sa drustvom! hvala :))

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