Mushrooms occurring in Europe - Suillus placidussteemCreated with Sketch.


Suillus placidus - Hat diameter 50 to 120 (130) mm, initially hemispherical, later sinuatous, flattened. Surface smooth, naked, sticky, slimy. White, gray-white, cream-colored, white-yellowish, later light lemon, with age gray-brown, yellow-brown sometimes unevenly shaded, sometimes with a purple tinge. When touched, it slowly acquires a light purple color. The skin of the hat can be detached from the pulp.

Tubes 5 to 11 mm long, adnate or slightly converging on the shaft. When young, the color white, whitish, later yellowish, lemon yellow, with age olive-yellow, yellow-brown.

Small, rounded, irregular pores. The colors of the tubes, emitting small, transparent, whitish droplets of liquid, which is drying brown, violet.

Stem 30 to 80 (160) mm high, 7-20 mm thick. Usually longer than the diameter of the hat. Cylindrical, sometimes spindle-shaped, compact; white, yellowish. On the surface, washed with the dried granules of the whitish juice, which gradually become violet-red-brown.

The ring does not exist.

The flesh is quite thick, soft, juicy, white, yellowish. Under the skin of the hat it may be purple, over the tubes in the stem lemon yellowish, in the stipe of old specimens light-colored. Under the influence of ammonia, it is pink. Taste and smell weak, fungus. Very unstable in storage.

Occurrence: On the ground, in coniferous forests, under the spring pine. It grows singly or in small groups; met in August and September. Very rare.

Value: edible fungus.

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