Tacky Incubator and Overreacting Become a National Culture (Illustration)

in #photography6 years ago (edited)


Television, being an incompetent and excessive cultural incubator. Hopefully later, this kind of spectacle becomes the standard in the daily interactions of the Indonesian nation.

Fast entertainment, cheap entertainment is watching TV. Just push the remote, the mind is happy and the heart so calm. Television, like having supernatural powers. If it is 'stuck', can not turn away from it.

Psychologist from University of Manitoba, Robert McIlwraith examines why people watch TV. Apparently, in general people take advantage of TV shows to divert attention. Here are some reasons why people watch or just turn on the TV:

  • Sad
  • Lonely
  • Angry,
  • Worried
  • Just bored.

One of those reasons, always happens to us every day. Indonesia has 14 national TV stations and a few dozen local TVs with broadcast hours of almost 24 hours. Choose live, which suits our current mood.

I know a mother, with grown children. To fill the free time, in addition to watching Indian soap operas he also likes to set a tacky event from morning until afternoon. Did the mother really watch the show seriously to the end?

Not necessarily, because usually he had overslept so the third ad. The artists who chatted unclear, full of jokes and laughter to make the atmosphere of his house so festive. TV voice, as a distraction from loneliness.

More than just an amusement entertainer, TV was already able to also take care of children. Really?

Young mom next to my house, early in the morning usually turn on the TV with a fairly high volume. While Mama is busy here and there, complete the housework. Her toddler, told to sit sweetly in front of the TV. Sounds and images hypnotize the child not to move. This scene is now more often found in Indonesia

While transfixed, watching TV shows, we are in Attention Inertia mode. Comes from the Latin Iners - lazy. Attention Inertia - the attention that makes the body lazy to move and the brain is lazy to think. The current spectacle, will show its effect in the future.

Jerome Singer, a Psychologist at Yale University, stated; "People who have watched TV since childhood grew up with less fantasy life, for them, watching television instead of their own imagination."

Super Subliminal Strength

Social change and lifestyle, affect the length of time and the choice of TV shows watched.

One afternoon, while sweeping my page listening to the chatter of passing children. Queen, 5th grader, I saw the following monologue in front of her giggling friends.

"..... look there is garbage .... is not that photo of your ex-boyfriend? ...... your ex-boyfriend is like a used item ...... and the name of the used goods is the same as the garbage..."

OMG from which the child is still as big as it can get the idea of classmate Nikita Mirzani (Artist who is famous in Indonesia through sensation not achievement) so. The answer, what they see on television.

Television has subliminal power - power affects and shapes audience perception. What is live on TV, movies and social media, becomes a reference and forms a community perception. This super power, which is then connected with the impact of tacky impressions that have begun to fuss people.

15 years ago, the emergence of a private TV station was followed by the presence of rating rating agencies impressions in Indonesia. Ratings describe how many people are watching an impression. Since then, the rating has always been the reason for TV stations to continue or stop the impression. Crew TV, do everything in their power for the rating and survival of their event. Including, slipping cheerful tricks that are considered powerful racking rating.

Tricks - tricks tacky impressions according to CNN Indonesia

  • Guest Secret
  • Ridicule Opponent Main
  • Drama behind the scenes
  • Settlement scandal
  • The presence of men who behave like women.


Nothing new from the list above. One to one of three, always used in various types of impressions. But to become a high-rated show, the above spices need to be extended in some parts so that it gets a 'tacky' title. Surprises that make guest stars feel embarrassed or angry is the best behavior. Argumented, which makes no sense. Mutually provoke players' emotions, by unveiling each other's disgrace. The more embarrassing, supposedly the better the rating. Repeatedly, reprimanded about mocking rogue opponent. But keep going, want to know why?

#IMO - in my opinion there is a relationship with Indonesian culture.

Traditional drama performances, already known since the time of the archipelago has not been named Indonesia. Let us easy, we use the example is Lenong from Betawi. Using the Betawi dialect Malay language, Lenong's introductory language can be understood by all ethnic groups. Because it is taunted mocking, ala Lenong is the most frequently used on the show varietry show.

A nickname involving a physical disability, or comparing humans to other objects is a laugh fishing trick. Perhaps the citizens of Indonesia still know, the same name Bokir, Bolot, Boneng. Their name, is the nickname of the physical defect or mockery they used to perform on stage. Bokir and Boneng are the nicknames because of their stubborn teeth, while the Bolot is a nickname given to a slightly deaf person.

Not only Lenong, traditional art performances of other areas are the same. Ketoprak is a traditional Javanese performing arts that successfully make men who behave like women as stage stars. One of the many Kabul alias Tessy, orbitan of Ketoprak traditional performing arts community.

This former KKO soldier, has been "Tessy" since Srimulat still playing in Taman Sriwedari-Solo. Tessy is not an ordinary sissy, better suited to the Drag Queen category. Stay male, in women's clothing. After all, it seems we still think sane. Can separate which is just a play (acting), which is true sissy.

The appearance of a sissy, began to dizzy when they crowded on TV. such as Ivan Gunawan, Ruben Onsu and many other Indonesian transvestite artist who with their contemporary style as a trend setter display men who behave like a woman. Honestly I feel confused with this phenomenon.

The body language and personality of these beautiful men, so the production machine of laughter is timeless. The rating borer, as well as the grave digger for the TV program idealism.

Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI), in 2016 had issued a ban on mass media displaying a sissy in impressions and advertising. The ban is good intention, preventing the young generation of Indonesia from exposure "virus" LGBT which he said was epidemic. Because LGBT is not a flu virus that can be contagious when a sissy is sneezing.

There are past trashes, genetic and other factors that make humans eventually identify themselves into one of those letters LGBT. The most plausible reason, to prevent the appearance of a man behaving like a woman or a sissy is that we are getting more permissive. The more often watching the beautiful men appear on TV eventually assume that their behavior is normal.

They are normal, just like a two-edged knife. Good, for the social life of LGBT actors who are sometimes treated too bordering by other humans who feel normal. Or bad, because LGBT like bone loss that weaken the joints of religion, social and moral order of the nation, especially Indonesia.

So what I mean is, if the tacky spectacle is just to continue what is already there. then that tacky spectacle is part of Indonesian culture?

To be honest, yes that's what we are, Indonesia today.

The definition of culture is: A way of life that develops, and is shared by a group of people and passed down from generation to generation. Cultures are made up of a variety of complex elements, including religious systems, politics, customs, language, tools, clothing, buildings and artwork.

As we discussed above, the taunts of nicknames, already developed and owned in this context are understood by all members of the community. Finally, it becomes part of our "joking" culture.

Then why is the tacky spectacle treatment different from traditional performing arts?

Exposure to traditional and sporadic and localized culture of culture and entertainment (the New Order term) Sporadic, since each region has a different style. Betawi jokes style, not fit to be brought to Padang. Terlokalisir, location and time of the stage is very limited. Traditional entertainment drama, not playing from morning time until sunset. Not also fill the stage up to 7 days a week in 15 TV stations.

So that means, there's no reason to ban tacky shows?
Who says it! in the forest there is Forest Law, what else on television.

Television and radio broadcasting stations including the media, have social functions and are bound by legislation. Television impressions, should be charged idealism in shaping the character and morals of the nation's children. Like an orderly handbook of traffic, there are signs that must be obeyed.

Standards of Broadcasting Behavior


The Indonesian Broadcasting Commission sets up a standard of behavior, which should be complied with. The content of the broadcast must contain information, education, entertainment, and benefits for the formation of intellect, character, morals, progress, nation power, maintaining unity and unity, and practicing Indonesian religious and cultural values.

Therefore, broadcast content is prohibited:

  • Slandering, inciting, misleading and / or lying
  • Highlights elements of violence, obscenity, gambling, substance abuse and illicit drugs. Spread over ethnic, religious, racial, and intergroup
  • Degrading, demeaning, harassing and / or ignoring religious values, human dignity of Indonesia, or damaging international relations.

Personal life issues can be broadcast with the following conditions:

  • Do not intend to damage the reputation of the object being broadcast;
  • Does not exacerbate the state of the aired object;
  • Not encouraging the various parties involved in the conflict to disclose in detail the disgrace and / or confidentiality of each party in conflict;
  • No adverse impact on the family, especially for children and adolescents;
  • Not done without factual basis and accurate data;
  • Stating explicitly if it is engineering, re-engineering or played by others;
  • Does not make the private life of objects aired as a laughingstock and / or reproach; and
  • Can not judge a broadcasted object.

Protection to Certain Persons and Communities

Broadcast programs are prohibited from displaying content that harass certain people and / or community groups, such as:

  • Certain workers, such as: domestic workers, hansip, office workers, street vendors, security guards
  • Persons with sexual orientation and gender identity
  • Seniors, widows, widowers
  • Persons with certain physical conditions, such as: fat, dwarf, midget, cleft lip, pug nose, have teeth barbers,
  • Blind, deaf, tunawicara, tunadaksa, tunagrahita, autism
  • Persons with certain diseases, such as: HIV / AIDS, leprosy, epilepsy, Alzheimer's, talkative; and / or
  • People with psychiatric problems.

Rough and Makian Expressions

  • Broadcast programs are prohibited from displaying harsh and verbal expressions
  • verbally and nonverbally
  • who have a tendency to insult or degrade human dignity has a mean slovenly / obscene / vulgar, and / or insulting religion and God.
  • Such harsh words and insults include words in Indonesian, regional languages, and foreign languages.

Administrative sanctions may include:

  • Written warning
  • Temporary dismissal of a problem event after a certain stage
  • Limitations of duration and time of broadcast;
  • Administrative fines;
  • Freezing of broadcast activities for a certain time;
  • Not granted an extension of broadcasting licenses; or
  • Revocation of broadcasting permit

The SOP should be clear, the sanctions are resolute, why for the sake of rating are all considered like the wind then. AC Nielsen is currently the only company that provides rating records for print, electronic and advertising companies in Indonesia. Hellen Katherina - Executive Director of Media Businesess Nielsen Indonesia, stated that there is no government intervention in the mass media rating business that has been done by his company.

So the matter of the rating is only the affair of AC Nielsen and Stake Holder of the Television Industry. The ministry with the authority to safeguard the culture, dignity and dignity of the nation does not regard an important rating. So all this time AC Nielsen and Television Industry, free to play cards about what impressions will be watched by all the people of Indonesia.

There seems to be an attempt to keep the tacky impressions on top of the rating. Do not blame me for opinion, television is becoming the center of cultured tacky culture. Hopefully later, this tacky spectacle becomes the standard in the daily interactions of the Indonesian nation.

The people 'clever' and powerful in the TV station, do not want to pay more expenses to increase the number of respondents. The addition of the number of respondents, will provide a picture that is more close to the real situation in the field. The fact that might make the show alay closed.Tampilan, not judged from the element worthy-not but make money or not. Maybe the rating is just a scapegoat from the voracious television capitalist sucking up profits from the cheap cost of producing tacky shows.

It's useless, we raved about the uneducated impressions. If, initially the case of the respondent rating was never a target discussion.

Thank you for visiting my blog and reading my post. I hope that you learned something useful from this post and you can enjoyed. God Bless You!


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