These Weather Modifiers have gone too far. Nobody can stop them any more. Here in south of Croatia we have been suffocating in humid mist for 3-4 days in a row, but that's normal for seaside places especially in Mediterranean areas. Just kidding!
These 3-4 days temperature was fluctuating like crazy - 3 days ago 15C, a day after 30C!!!, yesterday back to 16C, today about the same. Do I have to mention all these with NO SUN and lots of spraying?!?
I'm sure you've pictured it already.
People are complaining but still don't want to know.
We are screwed!!! All of us, everywhere.
These MFs have damaged the whole planet, and the worst is yet to come; except we are already living it.
Very sad and very disturbing.
Take care.
We very well may be screwed but let's keep letting out Good voices be heard and keep exposing the Evil that plagues the world. If more are aware and do some type of preparation maybe more of the goodness of humanity (which is there though sometimes hard to see) can rise from the ashes so to speak.
I will not live without hope; even if sometimes it seems a fools hope.