Leave your comments :)
All of the images above captured by sony xperia xz (because I am lazy to carry my dslr lately) and tuned by RawTherapee. Images in this post are created by me. I believe that info/data not belonging to anyone so feel free to use them or experiment. If you claim them as yours you are just another fool :)
What a lovely road of trees, so beautiful! Looks like it is well looked after, great place to go for a walk!
It's not bad but it looks more that those trees are there to be cut..
Awww no that's such a shame :(
I planted about 500 000 pines trees in these South Australian forests ! I can't believe that you've just posted these pictures !
Are those pine trees?? It's amazing how many of them are planted.. Hundreds of miles... :)
Yes, baby pine trees, about 30cm ! There is less than 2 meters between each pine tree
Good job hehe!
good work, success always @makishart
Thanks mate :)