
in #photography7 years ago

Medieval castle ruins, Ludza, Latvia

We build castles in our minds. Dreams upon dreams. Conditions upon conditions for our happiness. One day we will have our castles, those magnificent, glorious dreams. One day it will all align perfectly. How long till one day?

Reality clashes with delusions created by mind. Time to get frustrated. Our expectations and desires unfulfilled. True tragedy. Time to feel imaginary pain. It will be harder than we imagined. Wandering of course. Dream is dying. Time to suffer, get wrapped in fog of confusion. How did we allow this sorcery to trick us? To trap us? We can’t go on like this. Panic state! Time to catapult out of here!

Our expectations and desires cause us to do tremendously stupid and sometimes extremely harmful things. It is great to have dreams and goals. It is great to work hard for them, but we suffer when we are driven by desire and expect certain outcomes.

Song of the day: Glass Animals - Black Mambo 


I think there is different kind of goals and passions. Ones that empower us, make us feel good, strong and balanced. These are our true goals and dreams. And then there is goals that are not our true goals, dreams and passions. When pursuing those false dreams, in the end we realize these things wasn't what we should do and we are not happy when they are achieved.

Thank you for your comment @lindiry! :)

What worries me more is anticipation of certain outcomes, expectations. When something does not work out exactly the way we imagined, the disappointment and unnecessary suffering we cause to ourselves.

Yes, our expectations are playing games with us sometimes. It's important to remember that the outcome we didn't expect might be actually way much better. We just have to see it..

I like the way your words interact with the imagery here. Wonderful. And I dig that band, Glass Animals. A few years ago, I filmed them for a local radio station, performing Black Mambo and another song called Gooey. Here's the vid:

Thank you so much @cabelindsay! :)

I dig them too and thank you for sharing the video, you did amazing job with it. I loved the explanation about the song. Sloth and a mole, haha! Actually had not seen them play live, only listen to their stuff on Spotify. They seem cool! ^^

Thank you. Yeah, this was my first time seeing them too. Very fun and quirky personality in the lead singer. That's a heck of a good album. And the Gooey music video is worth checking out–similarly strange and brilliant in its own way.

Gorgeous. I love old castle ruins. This one looks like the ruins of Bradgate in England, where Lady Jane Grey grew up.

Thank you so much @stephmckenzie! :) I love castle ruins too. I love imagining how they looked back in the old days. When I studied tourism I once got my hands on old drawings from archives of the castle we had in our town. Fascinating stuff.

Had never heard of Bradgate, looked it up. Looks pretty cool!

many people suffer more for what we imagine than for what actually happens. things happen for something and if today you feel that your goals are not reached we should always have thoughts.I am one of those who believe that the best moment is now. Happy day

I agree. Our suffering mostly is imaginary. I am also learning to be more present and live in the moment. It is hard at times, but not impossible :)

Of course, we must look forward and keep going whatever happens

Wow, this looks like straight out of Game of Thrones! 😍

Hehe! You know what? I would love to dress up in a fancy dress like GoT ladies. I could actually make that happen. Hmm.

Oohh! I'd love to see that.

Desire leads to disappointment, disappointment leads to anger and that anger inturn leads to destruction.
Its a hard to practice, but it's important to be goal driven!
Beautifully captured:)
Where is this place?

Where is this place?

I'm not entirely sure, but it looks like Ludza in Latvia.

Sounds a lot like Jedi teachings, but I guess were too based from somewhere :) Makes sense to me.

The place is in Latvia.

Yeah? Maybe I should give it a read.
Well, this one's inspired from the Bhagavad Gita, chapter 2 verse 62 :)

Beautiful... resteemed! created this picture so see this no one can move their eyes.keep sharing

Wow! It's beautiful, it's like i am north side in Game of Thrones.

I feel like I was lucky early on in life to come to the realisation that happiness does not depend on external factors. Don't get me wrong, I would be sorely unhappy if, for example, I lost my home, or my job, etc. - But in the end, even such tragedies can be overcome in the mind before their physical resolutions manifest.

I often think about this pure, present moment. Right now. The only moment that exists... (Time really is an illusion)... And existence. Myself, existing, thinking about existence. It's actually mind-bending to think about it... So much so that eventually I stop thinking and start just being. Suddenly absolutely nothing matters, or at least, everything does, which ends up being the same thing. The idea that the only meaning in life that exists is the meaning we make for ourselves becomes distinct in my mind.

I then look at the people around me and wonder if any of them ever experience the same thing and if not, how I could ever relate it to them.

"Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, No escape from reality. Open your eyes... Look up to the skies and see..."

Freddy Mercury, I believe, must have experienced it.

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