Here we are DANCING to the Universe
I'm young as fuck...
My Souls just a glimpse of yourself...
When things were easier you loved...
Nothing got in your way not a mood or day...
Then they broke your will with lies instilled...
Fancy little things you just didn't know...
We were sent to recreate a destiny...
Take out all the ignorance...
Clean up the mountains and the seas...
Y'all forgot we came to heal the human race...
Get wrapped up in their lies and shit...
Forget your fucking royalty...
We came to take over this shit...
No way was there a chance one man could be
Enough to keep these creatures from destroying anything...
They weren't given rules or tools to succeed...
They were turned into creatures just for slavery...
You overlooked the simple things here...
Like the fact that they have clean water,
Or they used to, after they cleaned the air...
Now they start to repeat HISTORY...
Taking things instead of places...
They turned anger into it's own being...
Someone to start up these insane rules...
Like pay for things that grow on the Earth...
Go to jail for using her own pools...
What kind of stupidity was bred here?
Sick elders taking from kids and everyone...
Seeing their golden rings as wisdom...
All it will do is melt when we get closer to the sun...
If you're not seeking a place with refugees...
You're going to be turned to stew...
With the rest of the viral, disgusting beings...
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