Finally Summer in the Cove

in #photography5 years ago


The boats are all back in the water, icebergs are a distant memory, school is out. It's my favourite time of the year, and this year I am squeezing every last drop out of it after such a gloomy past 9 months. I've been getting a tonne of sun, it feels so good to have those rays soaking in as I work in the yarden, or just chill on my blanket with a book. Recharging literally. The sun is recharging my spirit and body.

Now that the boys are on summer vacation we're right back to our routine of swimming every day in the backyard, I love so much that we can swim in our backyard...I love being surrounded by trees and flowers and plants and bushes and and and...I'm sure you know ordinary nature thrills me if you've followed my blog so I won't go on.


We go out depending on when the tide is high. It's a good week this week because the tide is up during the day. Today it was beautifully high at 11am, so down we went...


Always have to test the water first...


4 Seconds Later


It was really hot outside, so they had no hesitation of getting right in the water today.


Through this blog I've said that we go swimming every day in the summer. No. Only the boys go swimming every day. I'll put my feet in or wade in on really hot days, but usually I can be found...

On me ars.

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This is how far the shore is away from the house:

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Swimming to the Neighbour's Dock for Some Jumps













Brothers <3

And what about their other brother? Well, he's sleeping still lol :D Teenagers! I'm sure he was happy to miss the photo shoot too.


Just one of many gorgeous days to come...



I'm so grateful to live peace and simplicity.


Thanks for reading.


So beautiful. I love the action shots jumping in.

Thank you for visiting us Beth!

The action shots were fantastic. :D

Looks like home.

On an island in Alaska. I had my first boat at 12, and became thereafter almost unable to have fun unless it involved getting wet first. There was a little dock much like that in your pic that was surrounded by beach at low tide, but usable when the tide came in. A lot like home =).

I grew up in the suburbs, where nature was something you 'get away on the weekend' to. I hope my sons have such fond memories of growing up on the water, surrounded by nature 24/7 like you did.

You can see those memories in the making in your pics.


hahaha Lynds, the photo of your armchair is the same with my way of spending time on the beach:))) me being in the water is something unbelievable;))
cool photos of jumping into the water step-by-step!
bogatyrs are brave swimmers!
and the shore is really very very close! A perfect place for a house - nature+water, my dream!

I'm so glad y'all are having a good, relaxing time, enjoying nature and nice weather. Let the teenager sleep, he needs it. :)
Soak up that sun! You're a siSTAR, after all. :D

That looks absolutely gorgeous. No one can be stressed when you're by the ocean. Do you have a boat too?

Posted using Partiko Android

No boat...yet... :D

What a difference the season change makes wow, place is looking stunning, hard to believe not too long ago it's just covered in ice and snow. Like the amount of greenery is insane, clearly not meant to go to waste. I'm sure you Canadians maximise on this time of the year to hold you over

I saw a photo of the ice yesterday and was soooo happy that it was just a memory. Making the most of every day, we are actually luckier here in Nova Scotia then some provinces I've lived in, where there are only 2 really warm months, instead of the 4 we get here. I would love to become a "snowbird" one day, getting the EFF South as soon as winter hits!

4 months wouldn't be enough for me, I don't think I could live in a place that gets so cold lol its winter here and it's like 11 degrees and we already feel like crying over summer. So where do snowbirds spend their time? I know here in South Africa a lot of foreigners choose to spend their countries winters here, we call them swallows

So serene and peaceful. I know that the children love spending their summers here. When I retire, I plan on moving to the west coast and buying a boat. Have fun and enjoy your summer!

Good luck with your future plans, are you close to retirement now @lcerm?

I have a couple more years to go: about 5. Sooner if things work out!

Let me guess. Is this somewhere in Ontario?

On the ocean actually in NS, looks like a lake though at high tide eh?! We're in a pretty deep cove.

What Summer is all about :-)

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