Axioms on Nature

The dissolution of the ego is the dawn of divinity. The point is to not destroy the ego in the process. It is not about night and day, it is about dawn and dusk. Darkness is ruled by light which is ruled by higher darkness which is ruled by higher light and so on both ways to the infinite expression. The higher rules the lower but there is no top or bottom. There is only ascending and descending. Which way is your choice and you can always change your direction, such is freedom for a universe in which all is allowed. You will always need an ego when you come back. One worlds gods are another worlds microbes. Surrender all and all will come to you, power untold lives within.
"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.
There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about. Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." - Oscar Wilde
There is one path, each of us follow, but we aur also blazing the trail.
This universe is self scaling to eternity already, humans pride themselves on failing to scale because they aur not aligned with nature, when we do align, nature will show us that life did not begin in aur time and it will not end in aur time, it simply changes as necessary. They create bubbles then they burst these bubbles and so long as they make money they do not care who is harmed, external impacts become their costs of doing business. When we build castles on the cloud, they will crumble for all to see, eventually. Create value, or exchange value, there is no profit, all value is self evident.
Taken from Mt. Lassen
Sexy equals spiritual, taboo equals sacred, whatever binds, holds thee key. If love is all that is, thee devil is in denial. All governments aur now on trial, where would we be now, without them? Or what we thought they were not? Life is a ride called mortality, to get out alive one should make space for ones highest awareness. The universal solution is simple, someone has to write in light code a program that transmutes the machine into the light of true service, from the darkness of getting serviced, to being of service. Then they sacrifice a lower love for higher love, while people light up from identifying with larger aspects of self, that have been with us all along in shadow. We aur all parts of this universe experiencing itself as part and whole. Call upon thy true light, we aur here, ready to receive. No mistakes, just perfect lessons, I bow to existence, I am nothing, everywhere, eternally.
“You have to take seriously the notion that understanding the universe is your responsibility, because the only understanding of the universe that will be useful to you is your own understanding.” - Terence Mckenna
We aur all sourced through hyperspace, we aur operating on 33% of full capacity. When we reach 100% capacity, solutions aur all that will be allowed to exist. We get there from here, by facing thee darkness within, finding ones guiding light, that the external world is a surrogate for. It is here now, but first we need to show the universe, we aur ready. There aur no victims, onely those who still give their power away. My goal is to get EVERY human being on this planet into a "upper class" lifestyle status. This may be further defined as having access to organic food, pure water, work by choice not obligation, housing of choice, transportation and more than 10 million worth of assets stored in the event someone else may need something. This is a grass roots movement on a shoe string budget because I give a shiite about the next seven generations program. Who is with me?
"Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up.” - Terence McKenna
Want to change thee world? Look within, until there is nothing more to seek. The world is a reflection of aur collective, a collective is a composition of its parts, a human being is a small part of a very large thing we call existence, every breath echos through to eternity, a pure thought travels everywhere, instantly. Rest easy, all remains well. To aur soul, there aur no surprises, onely achieving or delaying the awareness of all that is and is not in each moment. This journey of eternal bliss, does not care how we judge it, it cares how we love it. If we aur not celebrating life, we have yet to manifest thee prime directive. Nothing changes yet all is revealed as innocence. Who would not dance with the devil in the pail moonlight, if they were playing aur song?

When we become thee mind, we find it is nothing, but if we do not, it is everything. I cannot point to nothing and call it something, but I can say there aur no bars in mental slavery, onely thoughts some fear in their head. Technology is now progressing at an exponential rate. We aur not even fully aware of where the real progress is. (Secret space programs, suppressed free energy tech, nanotech, etc.) If we now do not evolve spiritually to keep pace with public tech, that will eventually spill into private tech, we will all die. Life is fulfilling divine intent, if we do not finish the program(self becomes self aware as awareness) life will simply reshuffle the cards. It is wise, to finish what we have started long ago. To win, walk away and give thyself a new name, in mongolian style.

In this abundance of darkness, there is light within, a beacon of hope eternally awaiting aur return, to true light. Aur sigil nature, an autobiography of cursive con-sents. Casting a lurid web of idle security transfer con-structs. Designed to arrest those without day, incarcerate those who cannot pay. While thee self aware, will walk away.
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