Earth Hour : Save Energy, Save the Earth

in #photography7 years ago

Dear Steemit Friends

It was the seventh of Earth Hour moment in Banda Aceh and around the world. The Earth Hour this time was held in Five Stars Hotel Hermes Palace, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, as the center point of the event. Here, I would like to present you some of photos after the counting down. Its purpose is to encourage people to take care of the earth and save its existence as well as the symbol of our care to the place where we are living. Save Energy, Save Earth!





These photos were taken by Fujifilm X-A3



Discord Komunitas Steemit Indonesia


let's save the earth, this is our duty and the earth belongs to us. all will be beautiful if we want to take care of him. hello @levycore

Hello @pojan, im agree with that :D

haha, let's go to sleep so tomorrow can see the world clearly. 😅

That is very correct. Good and bad nature depends on the actions of man himself. It is true that humans can make nature like heaven. Vice versa, with human activity can also make this nature like hell. Therefore, let us keep this alan as good as possible. all for our common good.

Hasil foto yang sangat bagus.
Apa lagi dibarengi dengan isi dalam foto tersebut.
Memang wanita selalu membuyarkan fokus kita.

A very beautiful moment with a very good purpose of saving our earth..
steady bg @levycore.... 👍👍

Bereh bang, ayo selamat kan bumi kita, Terimakasih buat abang levycore

Earth hour sangat perlu dilestarikan agar keberlangsungan hidup generasi depan masih bisa merasakan apa yang ada di bumi. Akan sangat menyesal bila energi bumi telah habis. Dan kita belum tentu dapat membuatnya.

Benar bang @levycore
Earth hour perlu dilakukan untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran bagi umat manusia untuk menjaga energi dari kekurangan. Upaya untuk menyelamatkan bumi dari efek rumah kaca dan mulai membiasakan untuk hidup hemat menggunakan energi dalam kehidupan sehari hari.

Betul. Itu bang :D

Pajan acara nyan adun @levycore?? Jika kita mengingat Allah dengan sebenarnya pasti kita akan menjaga bumi.. Krn bumi adalah ciptaanNYA yg terindah..

Acarnya tadi malam bang jam 9 😀

Aduh nyesal hana tateupu info... Meudeh pah that...

Bumi sbgai wrisan untuk anak cucu kita

Salam kenal :) @fizri

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