Hi @aboveus i want to ask to you a question.
I live in Italy and here I noticed that the spraying activities are more frequent in summer rather than in winter or at least they are less efficient. Is it the same in your country? What do you think about?
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Hey Lallo, Thank you for taking the time to reach out...
From my observations over the past 8 or more years, it is an effective way to block out the sun, as we can have weeks at a time without any sunlight..(in UK)
With the winter months, things can be made worse by 'cloud seeding'.. which in turn can bring cold weather and snow...
I have read many articles on this subject of geoengineering, in ways that they are effecting the worlds climate .. yet, if one mentions "chemtrails" your a conspiracy nut.. yet "Aerosols" are perfectly fine.. please to keep an eye on your skies.. I am around to chat to.. take care..
It's since I was born that I look at the sky every day. It's one of the first actions that i make when I wake up, and will continue to do it.
In addition to block the sun and change the behavior of weather, I think that it influences our mood in a negative way. And this is no good at all.
Thank you for your answer.
And for those who think I'm a cospirator I simply don't give a fuck, they'd better open their eyes and start using their brain.
See You
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Thats great to hear, I too have this affinity for our skies.. Please continue on your quest for the truth, having your own opinion and P.O.nt of view is very important.. I feel... also, you hit the nail on the head with what you said about the "peoples moods".. we lack sunlight, not just us, all life.. I do think 'they' are using "weather warfare".. plenty of reading material on the net.. thankyou again for your time.. take care
It's a pleasure and a duty for me share these arguments with others. Everyone has to realize that it's not normal what is happening in the sky to stop it.
I wanna see blue sky in the morning and stars in the night. Am I asking too much? No!
Bye Bye
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