Inspire Steemit #11: My diving adventures carry on! This time, welcome to the Philippines! - Pt. 3! 我的潜水日志③- 和我一起去菲律宾ainilao和海豚湾潜水吧

in #photography6 years ago

Hello dear Steemians!
Today, I'd like to continue to talk about my second diving plan that I made some time ago. The second destination that I have chosen for another adventure was Anilao (Philippines) and Puerto Galera. Anilao is know to be a 'Macro Paradise' – it is situated about 140 km away from the downtown of the capital city of the Philippines – Manila. Approximately 2-3 hours drive. It's one of the earliest commercial diving sites in Philippines. It's also quite famous for the presence of Sea Hares and Seahorses. It is also a natural habitat for all sorts of bizarre, exotic and beautiful marine creatures. It is a resort of the world's marine macro photography site and a paradise for global diving enthusiasts.


Since I made a decision to put the whole plan in motion, other divers also got interested and excited about the trip. At that time I was very fortunate (again!) as there was a big promotion for the flight tickets (Shanghai-Manila) – it was just 640 RMB – really cheap. That was also one of the reasons why many other people joined the trip. At that time 13 people confirmed that they would join the adventure. I was the only Chinese among them all – the rest were all French. I was the only person of different nationality there and I felt proud about it! ;-)


Group photo of or diving drew! Image taken in Puerto Galera, Philippines

We left Shanghai Pudong Airport around 1 AM ofn Friday and arrived at Manila Airport around 6 AM the same day. Right after having arrived, we immediately rented a pre-paid car and drove for about 2 hours to reach our final destination. Eventually we got to the port without any obstacles (forgive me forgetting the name of the venue). Our large boat was already waiting for us, it was all packed with our diving equipment. That basically means that we didn't sleep nor had a rest – we just got directly on the boat and started diving! We only had 3 days holiday (Friday, Saturday, and return home on Sunday respectively) – the time was very short, so there was no time to waste again!


All the pictures were taken by my iPhone6 right before boarding on the boat. As you can see, the weather was exceptionally beautiful that day. The picture itself looks like a postcard. Beautiful beyond measure.

Haha, we are ready to dive...


Right after getting on the board I indulged myself in this picturesque view of the beautiful sea. Totally fell in love with it!



That's the diving mask that accompanied me for around 5 years. I used it under 21 meters deep down the sea. Photo taken in the Philippines


After putting on all the necessary equipment, it took about an hour to reach the spot in the Anilao. We put on our oxygen bottles and we were ready to go diving!


Unfortunately, at that time I didn't bring my GoPro camera with me, so the underwater scenery was not meant to be recorded this time. At least I still have all these beautiful pictures in my mind. Compared with diving sites in Thailand, I think the underwater scenery in the Philippines seems to be even richer and more untouched. I can remember there were a lot of large pink corals swaying on the seabed, not to mention about plenty of bioluminescent sea hares!


sourse from google for refrence

In my opinion the currents in the Philippines seem to be stronger that the currents in Thailand while diving. If your neutral buoyancy skills are not good enough, it is easy to get carried away by the currents, so I'd say diving there was kind of more demanding and challenging at the same time. In two days we went diving six times, two times of which I encountered some very strong underwater currents (there was one particularly dangerous situation which I don't want to mention here. I came back in one piece, so it's okay). Diving is a risky sport. You always have to be very careful and always look around. Although diving can be really satisfying, there is no reward without the risk involved.

timg (1).jpeg

Source from google for the reference


All in all, we went diving 3 times a day and everyone felt very tired. Haha! About time to return to the resort to take a well-deserved rest. The sunset that day was exceptionally beautiful and this is just a mobile phone shot! Take a look at these oxygen bottles, full of love and waiting for the divers!


In this picture I am lying on the deck of our boat, embracing the chilling sea breeze. I love this feeling once your life slows down a bit, indeed a truly needed escape from the concrete jungle of Shanghai. Every time I face the sea I feel like I am so small. On circumstances like this I always dip in reflections, think about my life and always try to fully appreciate and seize the peaceful moment. See you next time!

Hi, steemit 小伙伴们,今天接着继续说昨天我提到的第二个潜水计划吧----我的 第二次潜水计划选择的是菲律宾Anilao(阿尼洛)和 PG岛(海豚湾),其中 Anilao 是-“微距天堂”,距离马尼拉市区大约 140 公里,大约车程 2-3 个小时, 是菲律宾开发较早的的潜水胜地之一,同时也是是海兔,豆丁海马的家园、也 是各种稀奇古怪、玲珑美丽的海洋小生物的天堂,是世界海洋微距摄影的胜地, 是全球潜水爱好者的乐园。


既然有了计划,就马上相应潜水小伙伴们去参加,很幸运的是当月宿务航空大 型促销:上海-马尼拉的往返机票最便宜仅 640 元!因为机票真的特别便宜,所 以很快就有其他小伙伴也要加入这次潜水计划了!当时我们一共确认了 13 个人 参加这次潜水活动,其中我是唯一的中国女生,其他的都是法国人!嘿嘿!我是中国人我自豪!


我们是周五凌晨 1 点左右上海浦东机场出发,然后大概凌晨 6 点左右到达的马 尼拉机场,到达机场后,我们马上又马不停蹄的坐上事先租好的轿车,开了大 概 2 个小时车,终于到达了一个港口(原谅我忘记了具体名字),那个时候在港 口已经有个大的螃蟹船等着我们了,我们所有装备都在上面,就是说,我们没 有休息睡觉,直接登船准备潜水!因为我们只有 3 天假期(周五周六潜水,周 日回国),所以时间很赶,没时间睡觉,直接潜水,就是这么狠!哈哈


(这张图片是我登船前用手机拍的,我觉得当时的天气真的好漂亮,整个画面 就像明信片一样,太美了)



登船以后, kiki被这美丽而浩瀚的大海迷死了!


(这个是陪伴我多年的潜水镜,曾经陪伴我在海底 21 米哦,图片摄于菲律宾)

穿好装备后,船大概行驶一个小时左右到达 anilao 海域潜水点,大家开始动手 穿上自己的潜水装备,背氧气瓶,准备就绪啦!


很遗憾,这次我没有带 gorpo 相机,所以这次海底景色没有记录到,但是那美 丽的景色已经深深记到我的脑海里,和泰国相比,我觉得菲律宾的海底景色微 生物色差似乎更加丰富一些,我记得那里大片大片的粉色珊瑚在海底摇曳着, 还有很多漂亮荧光色的小海兔!


我觉得菲律宾的洋流比泰国的洋流似乎更强劲,中性浮力技术不好的话,很容 易被洋流冲到别的地方,危险系数较高!两天内,我们一共潜水了 6 次,其中 2 次我遇到很强大的水流,很不容易在水中稳定,比较危险(具体危险的情况, 这里不叙述了,幸运的是我安全的回来了,这就足够了),潜水有风险,下水 需谨慎!潜水虽然可以看见美丽的新世界,但是同时美丽和危险是并存的,千 万不能掉以轻心!


我们一天潜水 3 次,大家都很疲惫,哈哈,准备回度假村休息,夕阳西下的天 空美极了,这张是我用手机抓拍的!看看这些氧气瓶可都是潜水员满满的爱啊!


躺在甲板吹吹海风感受下慢生活,脱离喧嚣!逃离了冷冰冰的水泥都市!面对 大海,我觉得自己是如此的渺小,此时此刻来小酌思考下人生吧,享受一片宁静~







Hi @kikima That's a really cool picture of the reef. I would love to see more pictures of your future adventures. I'm new to your blog but will be following :) Did you see any nudibranchs?

Yes, I did. Philippines' Anilao is a famous Macro Paradise. There are actually a lot of nudibranchs, the thing is that they are very small, though. I had to walk an extra mile to find any! Thanks for following me @bluefoxy !

That's awesome I'll look Anilao up on youtube. I usually watch Jonathan Bird he dives in some cool spots. I have yet to dived in Monterey Bay which is near where I live. My favorite nudibranchs are ones with indigo and yellow coloring. Maybe next time you can show us more :) Did you take any video I can see of the trip?



美的令人窒息 - 海与@kikima :D

O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ 谢谢ing

弱弱问一下,不会游泳的人,可以潜水吗?✧\\ ٩( ‘㉨’ )و //✧



哈哈 (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧加油

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