Old Memories Came Back

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Hi friend steemit, have you ever had memories, and certainly you have memories of each other not. This old memory, I was with my college friends at that time we again lazy-lazy do not know where else to please the head of the more stressful thinking college tasks that pile up and boring work, tasks Mekret, Calculus, Structure Planning and Geometry Planning Highway. And finally we peaked Japanese Cave let the mind with the sea view, while enjoying the scenery we also wait for the sun set in the west.

Hai teman steemit, pernahkah anda mempunyai kenangan, dan yang pasti anda mempunyai kenangan masing-masing bukan. Kenangan lama ini, saya bersama teman kuliah saya pada saat itu kami lagi malas-malasan tidak tau kemana lagi untuk menyenangkan kepala yang lagi stres mikirin tugas kuliah yang menumpuk dan membosankan ngerjainnya, tugas Mekret, Kalkulus, Perencanaan Struktur dan Perencanaan Geometri Jalan Raya. Dan akhirnya kami kepuncak Gua Jepang biar pikiran dengan pemandangan laut, sambil menikmati pemandangan kamipun menunggu matahari terbenam disebelah barat.



This is my moment with my college friends, this is a very memorable moment in my mind. While still above the peak it seems the burden is gone in my head, we feel lazy down from the top of the cave japan, we are afraid the burden appears again. Once we get off the top, the load back to remember the task is not ready, it feels like the head will explode.

Inilah momen saya bersama teman waktu masih kuliah, ini momen sangat berkesan dipikiran saya. Disaat masih diatas puncak rasanya itu beban sudah hilang dikepala saya, rasanya kami malas turun dari puncak gua jepang, kami takut itu beban muncul lagi. Begitu kami turun dari puncak beban muncul kembali mengingat tugas belum siap, rasanya kepala mau pecah.



Me and my friends will not give up as much weight, and as much as we will face, we will prepare for our future. And finally after we pass this way, we can pass all, get a degree Bachelor of Civil Engineering.

Saya dan teman-teman tidak pantang menyerah sebesar apapun beban, dan sebanyakpun tugas akan kami hadapi, akan kami siapkan demi masa depan kami. Dan akhirnya setelah kami lewati jalan lika liku, kami bisa lulus semua, mendapatkan gelar Sarjana Tehnik Sipil.

Life is a lot of obstacles, many of which we face, do not never give up when getting obstacles, face the grain as possible to get a worthwhile purpose.

Hidup ini banyak rintangan, banyak yang kita hadapi, jangan pantang menyerah saat mendapat rintangan, hadapi seiklas mungkin untuk mendapatkan suatu tujuan yang berharga.

Up here first friend, this post is valuable to you all.

Sampai disini dulu kawan, postingan ini berharga untuk anda semua.

Upvote Resteem and Coment

Thank you for everything

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