Aurora Borealis #1
Last week I was so lucky to see it almost every single night!
Unforgettable dance of Northern Lights takes my breath away every single time!
This was the first night of this great performance! I have quite great winterish background where I live and luckily I finally learned how to photograph the night sky! Suuuper happy about it!
In fact, for a help and huge patient I am super thankful for @elvis.stepcic that had contribute a lot that I finally took such an amazing shot! :)
Happiness is when you share it with others,right?!
So, I am going to share more of this!
Several nights had been sleepless and freezing but worth it!
It's such a winter wonderland! ;)
Don't forget to up vote and follow for more!
Thank youuu! ❤
Great picture of Aurora, well done :)
Thank you! ;) I wish to make even more of this!