Rock, Paper, Scissors; Lets see who has the upperhand in 2022!
This is the first photo I took in 2022.

A few weeks ago I mentioned that my brief time with the Fujifilm GFX50sII re-ignited my passion for street photography, especially my love for my Fujifilm X100F. It is the size and the ease of use that makes me take it with me whenever I go out.
Yesterday I had to go to Dongmen to pick up my new glasses. Yes, most businesses in China do not close on New Year's day as it is not an official holiday. I got my glasses made at a shop in Shenzhen Glasses City which is in Dongmen. Although it was not a public holiday, I was greeted by a festive vibe amongst the crowded pedestrian streets.
So I lingered a little longer.
And found several interesting scenes.
There were many businesses trying to attract customers with clowns creating balloon toys for the children in front of their shops. After I photographed this clown I found several others which I also photographed, but luckily he was the most interesting one. He had this special routine of playing Rock Paper Scissors until the child wins, before handing over the balloon toy.
So my second photo for 2022 was when he handed over the balloon toy.

Later, I also found two clowns taking a break and catching up on their online social life.
BTW, the Fujifilm X100F is an amazing piece of equipment. These photos are the jpegs straight out of the camera - not even a levels adjustment (I did straighten my horizons and cropped them a bit though)
I guess the clowns make many a happy new year.