Morning Sun on the Hills / Morgensonne auf den Hügeln
Hill may not be the right expression - in England it would probably already be a mountain, but I just say hill to it ;) I made these photos during my walk the day before yesterday, when the morning sun rose higher and the sunbeams were already lightning those hills. |
Hügel ist vielleicht nicht der richtige Ausdruck - in England wäre es wahrscheinlich schon ein Berg, ich sage einfach Hügel ;) Die Fotos habe ich während meines Spazierganges vorgestern geschossen, als die Morgensonne höher stieg und ihre Strahlen bereits diese Hügel streiften. |

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Canon EOS M50 | Canon EF-M 55-200mm f/4.5-6.3 IS STM
ISO 100 • f/16 • 1/8 sec • @55 mm

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Canon EOS M50 | Canon EF-M 55-200mm f/4.5-6.3 IS STM
ISO 100 • f/16 • 1/4 sec • @55 mm

▲click for fullsize view▲
Canon EOS M50 | Canon EF-M 55-200mm f/4.5-6.3 IS STM
ISO 100 • f/16 • 1/4 sec • @55 mm
If you like my photos I would appreciate an upvote, nice comment or a resteem 😊
Thank you for visiting my blog,
have a nice day,
Photos and Text: Johann Piber
#originalcontent #originalworks

Thank you @pixresteemer :)
Upvoted and resteemed :)
Thank you @artmentor :)
Das mit dem Hügel gefällt mir ;) finde die Morgen Sonnen verpasst den Bildern die richtige Stimmung.
Danke Maik, das mit dem Hügel musste ich loswerden ;)

Nice photos. I wonder how they would look in black and white tone, specially the third one.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you for this nice comment @himalayannomad, actually I have thought of B&W too, but then I did not really like it. Maybe I'll try it again some time ;)

wow amazing photograph of sunlight on the hills...
Nice cllick my friend. thanks for share with us..
Thank you so much @tussar11 :)
Great shots, it's interesting to watch the sunlight move. Well done! upvoted & resteemed :)
Hello @keithboone, thank you very much ... this is a nice start into the new year :)
Indeed :)