gotong royong with the community
On this day Friday, January 26, 2018. At 09.00 am. Kapolsek, Bhabinkamtibmas Brigadier of Grace, members of Polsek, Koramil and Meurah Mulia Sub-district conducted an active collaboration with the people according to the schedule which was determined based on the meeting result of Muspika (Kecamatan Meurah Mulia), while the Gotroy pelaks rode in Mns village. Keeh kec. Meurah noble kab. Aceh Utara, namely:
-clean ditch channels
- Cleaning the Mosque Channel
-The cutting of logs disturbing the road and electric poles
The enterprising they will be attended by:
-The head of the sub-district of Meurah noble
-Kapolsek noble meurah
-Danramil noble meurah
-Geuchik gampong Keeh - keeh village community
- religious leaders
Giat implemented on the initiative Muspika to rekindle culture gotong royong, so that the culture of clean living and healthy environment benar2 felt back by the local community, because culture gotong royong is a culture of ancestors who have preceded us.
Giat TSB run smoothly and ends at 11.00 pm
So vigorous implementation of enterprising gotong royong running smoothly