North Aceh regency is one that has a large agricultural land and the majority of people cultivate crops, it is no wonder the north aceh local government continues to build its farmers by holding training - training and recently on Tuesday (17/02/2018) Village Beuringen sub-district of meurah noble aceh north district held a training of farmer group capacity, the training was followed by six farmer groups that exist in the village they are: Mekar farmer group, Galih Mekar, Mekar tani, Makmur Mekar, farmer Binakarya, Bina Warga.
According to Ir. Zainal Abidin Field Officer who accompanied the farmers said, "This kind of training is very big benefit for farmers in addition to know and deepen liquid organic fertilizer, there is also an economic aspect because this fertilizer can be pruduksi by the farmer itself and its ingredients also very easy to be in this village, this in the long run will improve the living standards of the farmers binaanya, "he said.
similar to Ir. Zainal Abidin, the village head of the Rasyadan village, said, "I will not be bored to conduct such training because it is very needed by the farmers in the village so that later will become an independent farmer. This training fund is taken from the village fund of the year 2018 "he reveals