Magnificent Sunset 🌅🌇🌄
Sunset colors are amazing to see
Spectacular shadows occurs to be
Observing light in large format style
A beautiful sunset that makes you smile

Just gaze at this wondrous sunset we view
With colors reaching out His love God drew
The evening sparkles with the views now faced
Picture perfect sunset that God has placed
God made everything beautifully in time
His light shines in colors beauty so fine
Sunset setting begins to end once more
Holding life to the light beyond God’s door

Good created heaven and made love bloom
With the light shows in the sky above God’s room
Entertainment love held in our hearts
The day goes to sleep and the sunset starts
The unique blend of colors so bright
Magnificent sunset divides the night
When the next sunset appears, sit a while
Observe the view, it will make you smile

"Sunsets are so beautiful that they almost seem as if we were looking through the gate of heaven."
Great photos and beautiful sunset.
thank you po ^_^..
was too busy to see the actual sunset. i appreciate you capturing the moment! cheers
its my pleasure also sharing gods creation on my little way. :D thank you.