Adventures at the Dallas Arboretum - Diversity, Beauty, Abundance (HUGE Pumpkin Photo Gallery and More)

The odd convergence of Fall traditions and the beginning of the US “holiday season” (which seems to start directly after Halloween) made for a fun and interesting experience at the Dallas Arboretum over the weekend. I hope we have the chance to go back again one day. It was a great place.

Between the pumpkins and the Christmas themes spread throughout the grounds, it was hard to tell which season we were in.

There were two scavenger hunts going on throughout the park while we were there: a pumpkin identifier as well as a Twelve Days of Christmas themed hunt, as well. So random. I guess in American culture this isn’t random anymore, but I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the “holiday season” starting before Halloween has even occurred.
It’s still fall, y’all!
There were so many awesome installments of trees, flowers, and shrubs throughout the grounds, and even though it was incredibly windy, the weather felt nice (jacket weather is my favorite), and it was nice to spend time outside in the presence of such well-kept and diverse beauty.

I love Elephant Ears and their varietals, and my mother always grew them when I was a kid, so I was immediately drawn to the massive installments throughout the arboretum.

The flowers were also completely gorgeous! Since I spent October either inside or playing shows, I didn’t get a chance to catch some of this vibrance while it was in Missouri...I’m glad I got to catch it in Texas.

In addition to a million other reasons, one of the things I love about traveling with The Scientist is that she knows so much about trees and plants and I’ve always been completely enamored with how much she knows about the world around us. When we first met, over ten years ago, I was blown away at her knowledge of the names and random information about what seemed to be every single tree and plant she saw. So cool. Here she is in her total element:

...and this sculpture, dudes:

Until this weekend, I’ve never seen so many different kinds of pumpkins in my life and wanted to share them with you here!!
Sidenote: I don’t have kids, so I have never been to a “pumpkin patch” where they do all the hay ride and pumpkin stuff (so if this is a common thing, I guess I’m just sheltered LMAO)...I’ve been to a real pumpkin farm, but they only grew one type of pumpkin, so this was a pretty cool treat.
These were some gems I knew you all would enjoy, so please check out the pumpkin gallery below!

I really hope you enjoyed this look into the Dallas Arboretum. If you’re in the area, I highly recommend checking this place out. Highly accessible, tons of species of plants and trees and shrubs, beautiful area...everything’s bigger in Texas.
I will be covering some cool things from our Dallas trip in my next few posts including:
- Dallas Museum of Art
- Dallas Zoo
- Museum of Geometric and Madi Art
- TORI AMOS CONCERT (AHHHHH! Still freaking out about that one)
...and of course - Part 3 of Steemit Depression Vacation Series
I hope you’ll join me for the rest of the adventures, and as I continue on with Gig Reflections, and other random installments of random. I’ve been saying it a lot lately, but thank you so much for hanging out with me here. It is nice to know I have a community behind me.
All photos were taken and edited by me with an iPhone 6+ and using combinations of Adobe Photoshop Express and Adobe Lightroom for iOS, as a part of my artistic efforts to always maximize the potential of my resources at-hand.
Follow me @jessamynorchard for more adventures! I’m a full-time musician and blogger who is currently Steeming hard for my future.

Beautiful place!!! Glad you guys had fun!!
Have you guys been there? I was super impressed with it. Of course, I love arboretums and botanical gardens and badass parks, so it doesn’t take too much too impress me, honestly, but that place was so completely awesome.
i love these pictures!! your scientist looks in her element!! Love you guys!!
Of all your pictures, you'll probably be dissappointed by me saying, I love the steemit logo on the cup - LOL. I enjoyed your post, thanks for sharing!
Not disappointed in the slightest, @gringalicious! LOL I enjoy throwing those logos in creatively and/or occasionally in a Where’s Waldo kind of style, like this time. Glad you caught it :) Thanks for checking it out. Always good to hear from you.
I like all your pictures especially the one with pumpkins and elephant ears they come out so nice
Thank you so so much, @rudee! I appreciate those kind words...and aren’t those pumpkins and elephant ears so cool? I was so impressed with the layout and the well-cared-for grounds, and really enjoyed being able to have a bit of a seasonal experience, as well. Thank you again for checking it out and for your complimentary words for me. They are encouraging and I greatly appreciate the support.
Fantastic photography. The clarity is amazing. I the holiday times so much!. Great content, thank you.
I am so glad you enjoyed it. Considering these are all iPhone 6+ photos edited in free apps, I’m very pleased with what I’ve learned to do over the course of my last couple of years without having a PC for full edits and things of that nature. I really appreciate the comment, am so glad you appreciate the content, and that you’ll be checking back for more. I’m a musician who likes to go on adventures and share them with my friends here on Steemit. It’s one of my favorite things in the world.
So glad you guys had such a fun and eventful trip! Love all of the photos, but I think my favorite is about the sixth one with the marigolds. I think that’s what they are (?) Love the contrast against that gorgeous blue sky!