
in #photography7 years ago


God grant you face, but we should give the expression.

Tuhan menganugerahi Anda wajah, tapi kita harus memberikannya ekspresi.

God grant you face, but we should give the expression.

Tuhan menganugerahi Anda wajah, tapi kita harus memberikannya ekspresi.

God just gave my best, although sometimes not as you wish. But believe me, the Lord has a plan that is much more beautiful.

Tuhan hanya memberikan yg terbaik, meski kadang tak sesuai keinginan. Tapi percayalah, Tuhan punya rencana yg jauh lebih indah.

God never leaves his servant dissolved in grief, there is definitely a wonderful plan to pay for all the tears.

Tuhan tidak pernah membiarkan hambanya terlarut dalam kesedihan, pasti ada rencana indah untuk membayar semua air mata.

God often visited us, but mostly we’re not at home. (Joseph Roux)

Tuhan sering mengunjungi kita, tetapi kebanyakan kita sedang tidak ada di rumah. (Joseph Roux)

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