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RE: Event Photographers, or Robber Barons? Exploiting Parents to sell Photos
It’s totally a racket! To be fair, they have to employ some of these tactics to survive and protect the copyright of their work. Would we buy their photos if we could just as easily take our own? But there’s a big fat gray area. My daughter’s senior photographer wanted $350 to drop the results of our one hour photo session onto a CD. We picked two we wanted instead.
I don't mind the copyrighted photo being for sale.
I mind him BLOCKING us from getting our own photos.
Some events used to prohibit cameras because the photographers apparently must have given a kickback to the school.
Thanks be to God, our parish stopped allowing video companies to film First Communions and sell the long, boring tape to parents.
I love my offspring dearly, but I'd like them to resist some of these manufactured rites of passage that guilt-trip us in to buying Hallmark cards and token gifts. Naturally, our daughter insisted on a wedding with all the bridesmaid dresses (gaaahhhh!!), all the trimmings and trappings of a church wedding and sit-down dinner afterward at a hotel banquet hall, and NOBODY ever likes the food, even if it's $20 - $50 a plate. Everybody throws away most of the cake. Nobody likes matching bridesmaid dresses from a bridal store. Don't get me started on the American lawn, full of non-native green grass, a monoculture, which everyone poisons to keep it green, and waters, even in dry areas like California.... Sorry! Thanks @jayna for reading and commenting
Oh my gosh, you have a whole second post here. You should do a series! Yeah, where they get us is at the most emotional moments of our lives. It’s totally crazy! Fortunately, of my three kids, the two who are super frugal and never want to spend a dime are my two girls. Hopefully it will bode well when they get married! 🤣