This is Confidence, Not Cockiness

in #photography7 years ago

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I just recently IMG_0016b.jpgstumbled upon this platform last night while listening to a crypto themed podcast. Now to be honest, I cannot even remember which one it was as I have 7 either podcasts or YouTube channels I follow daily.

Who brought it to my attention is really irrelevant and I am going to get to the point here of this write up. And now that we are talking write up here is my "Disclaimer": I am not a writer and you will probably bear witness to some ugly grammar. So strap in grammar rent-a-cops because you are going to be triggered AF while reading this.

When I heard about this platform, I instantly thought it be a great avenue for me to display my photography journey and portfolio, to give my work some depth with these blog posts. I felt I could take advantage of this smaller market (small for now). I really love the idea of Steemit and vision behind this project.

Blockchain and crypto are still very new things to me, but after spending the last two months figuring out what was what, I can saw I am very bullish on this incredible community.

As far as photography goes, here is my back ground in it and why I recently decided entering one of the most saturated markets on the planet was even a good idea.

Photography has been a part of my life since I was roughly 3 years old. My very first experience was dabbling with my fathers old school film Nikon SLR when I was real young. But I was not that guy in high school with his camera with him 24/7, but did own a film camera.

As I got older, it just felt natural to pick up a camera. I would always be day dreaming and when ever walking around the city or out on a car ride, I would be lining up and framing photographs while I day dreamed. Anything I did or anywhere I would go in my mind I was working out what would make a good photograph. This is just how I was and not knowing or not realizing this was something I should pursue as my career.

The composition of an image, with the right exposure and focus was something I was never taught, I just knew I could create some images that will drive peoples emotions. Now fast forward to 2014, I received a "Bridge Camera" for Christmas. When I first got the thing, I legit thought it was an SLR for like 2 years lol. What camera was it? Canon Powershot sx50 HS, which surprisingly I still use today. I'm literally getting my first SLR this week Wednesday March 18 2018.

Currently, I am not a professional photographer, but I have worked my tail off everyday sine June of 2017 to become one. That is when I made the decision this is what I wanted for myself and my life. Pursuing what most people won't, to have a career and life that I want to be a part of. Not some bullshit 9 to 5 position that will fill me with misery and regret.

Now I have done a bunch of gigs for a long time now. Some paid, but most of them FREE. For family friends, local and national businesses. I have shot weddings, sport events, macro, portraits, and everything in between. I see it as testing the waters to get a feel for what I am good at and what I should pursue as a focus. I am still not at that point. Eventually I will get there, but I also posses another skill set, Graphic Design. Long story there but I dropped out 2nd year college but never put Photoshop down. I have been using Photoshop since I was 14 years old and I am now pushing 32s door down.

I have spent the last 10 months learning photography through tutorials on YouTube, but most of my technique and style have been developed through experimenting. It is imperative to shoot daily and to stumble upon new techniques or styles as every camera model has slight difference that you can use to your advantage.

Before I started taking this serious, I had never taken a class on photography. Only my father showed me how to use the basics on his camera. Not knowing many of the technicals, I decided I would join an online university course that I could do on my own time. Something structured that would keep me focused on learning things in steps. Honestly, I did not have a clue as to what the rule of 3rds were, I thought composition was a lighting term, and f/stop, iso etc., were all a foreign language to me.

But what I had realized through this was that I am a photographer. The composition in almost every photo I took followed the rule of 3rds. I had never followed any kind of guide or grid on my camera. I had no idea that the grid on my camera existed.

It took me about one month fully learn manual mode on my camera, which technically is not true manual but its pretty manual to the point where if you have no idea, you will struggle to take good photos.

I do not write this post to sound like an arrogant prick or cocky perspective. This is confidence.

I really did not want to write this long of a post so I will leave it at that for today and display some my favorite photos.

So please if you like these photos and want to follow my journey to becoming a professional photographer like, share and comment. I would very much appreciate that very much and will check out your page to see if it interest me. If it does I will return the favor! I am grateful for this platform, blockchain, every one of you!


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