That is one funny way to have a Funkopop standing there at the door. I think that is what those figures are called...saw one similar in another Steem users post!
Aww, Hodor... I had to google Funkopop, I had no idea what that was :) where have I been? I've seen them around just didn't realize they were that big a thing.
Why are you so mean? This brings back emotions.
Indeed, that was one of the saddest moments in the show.
Not only Hodor was taken but also Summer :(
Aw, the feels :(
Reminds me of Game of Thrones Holdoor.
That is one funny way to have a Funkopop standing there at the door. I think that is what those figures are called...saw one similar in another Steem users post!
Yup, I think it's one of these. I can't believe WalMart is selling it for $60! I might have to take it back from my daughter!
I almost cried watching that part! Hold the door! 😫
Aww, Hodor... I had to google Funkopop, I had no idea what that was :) where have I been? I've seen them around just didn't realize they were that big a thing.