Portland Plants - Earn SBD by helping me identify these plants!


Portland Plants

Spring is right around the corner and plants are starting to show their colors. Portland has a great climate and rich soil, so it's no surprise that this city has so many gardeners. Every time I go for a walk, it seems like I find new (to me) and interesting plants in my neighborhood. I love taking photos of the plants, but I hate doing research. So why not combine my interest with my laziness?

I will give 0.5 SBD for the first correct identification of a plant (2.5 SBD for all 5 plants). Identifications must include a link to a website with a little information about the plant with a photo. Wikipedia links should be fine. Please note which plant you are identifying (plant 1, plant 2, etc.).

The only requirement to win is an upvote and the first, correct guess for a plant with a link as proof. You do not have to ID all plants.

In this post, I've got 5 plants that need to be identified. Here they are.

baby flourish.png

Plant 1




Plant 1 was found in someone's front yard. There were dark purple flowers as well as purple and white striped flowers. One flower looks completely white, but I don't know if it will get some color later on.

baby flourish.png

Plant 2




Plant 2 has purple flowers and they covered the front yard of a house. They aren't as dark as the other flowers, and there isn't as much variety of color.

baby flourish.png

Plant 3



Plant 3 looks like something that belongs next to a pond. I've seen these things before, but I don't know what their name is. What are these big, fluffy white things?

baby flourish.png

Plant 4



Plant 4 is a strange and cool looking plant. It's more of a bush or tree than some of the other flowers in this post.

baby flourish.png

Plant 5



Plant 5 is a really cool looking flower. The inner yellow pedal(s) seems kind of unique.

baby flourish.png

That's it for this post. I'll be checking to see if I get any correct identifications. Good luck!


I think @strypes has them all identified for 1,2,3 and 5. Number 4 is a variegated Daphne. It should smell really nice! :D

There's still time for @strypes to win 3 of the plants, but the contest requires links as proof. You're welcome to submit some links and collect the prizes.

I missed that key part of the directions! Here are the links:
Plant 2: Vinca minor - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vinca_minor
Plant 3: Pampas grass - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cortaderia_selloana
Plant 4: Daphne - http://www.monrovia.com/plant-catalog/plants/4479/maejima-variegated-winter-daphne/

Ding ding ding! We have a winner! I've sent the SBD to your account. I'll have to remember the name Daphne. I keep seeing those plants and I always want to stop and check them out. There's something a little weird about them that I love.

Yay! Thanks! Daphne are special little shrubs. They like the Pacific Northwest and flower so early.

Well done! I didn't have time yesterday (or today) to find proper links. Congratulations!

Thanks! Check you wallet -- you got them right, too! ; )

That is so awesome of you! Thank you @haphazard-hstead I appreciate it so much.

I think it's a kind of grass, and the photo is correct. But it doesn't say what kind of grass it is. I think "Water garden" is just what they called the photo.

So am correct. Help send the SBD as promised ooo.

"Water Garden" isn't the correct plant. I've sent you the rewards for plants 1 and 5. The reward is 0.5 x 2 plants = 1 SBD.


This looks correct to me! Congrats!

I think you're right! Congrats!

Even though i am not good with their taxonomy, i will show the images to my colleague who is an horticulturist tomorrow morning to help you if you don't mind.

Please do. Plants 2, 3, and 4 are currently unidentified.

1 crocus
2 vinca
3 pampas grass
4 ?
5 daffodil

I have to leave for work now.. I don't have time to find links.

This is a very fun challenge. I wish I had more time to do it properly.

Upvoted and resteemed!

: )

Please reply with some wiki links for your entries. The requirement to win is a link to proof. I know I can google all of your entries, but I made this contest because I'm lazy :) There are still 3 plants that are unidentified. Plants 1 and 5 have been identified.

Thank you for the encouragement but it seems you have a winner. Great contest.

Plant 1: Crocus sativus (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crocus_sativus)

Don't sniff them too much, they can and will give you a headache! :) They make saffron spice out of them! :) The most expensive spice you can buy :)

Oh, I didn't know that! Thanks for the info and the link. Unfortunately, someone has already identified Plant 1.

Thanks for participating!

Just to clarify the identification of the crocus. The saffron spice is from an autumn-flowering Crocus (Crocus sativus), not one flowering in the spring. The spring crocus are Crocus vernus. I grow the Saffron crocus and harvest them in the fall.

Cool!! I didn't know that. Thank's for explaining the difference. Are you growing them for business or just for yourself?

I grow them for myself. I don't think I could make a profit for selling the stamens for spice, because it takes so many stamens to get enough to cook. It's not hard to harvest the stamens, but it would be tedious to do a lot of it.

But each year, my harvest triples in size. I started with 6 bulbs, 3 years ago. This year, I harvested enough for making 3 recipes, lol. So maybe in 10 years I will have more than I can use. ; )


You made an amazing content, We sould connect and support each other by follow each other. I already upvoted you and following you, please think about that. My apologize if I sent this post to you already.Thanks and greeting from @chanthasam

Already following :) I wonder if you posted some things about Cambodia and I followed you. I love Cambodia! Thanks for the follow.

An interesting side note for picture 1. The small leaves and flower are the crocus. The larger wide leaves is an iris that hasn't bloomed yet.

Interesting indeed.


Good competition! The last one is a daffodil, common in Scotland, only last a few weeks, but you know its springtime when they bloom :)

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