Back Roads Drive: Southern Minnesota (Original Photography)

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Driving the gavel and dirt roads is a lot more scenic than taking the highway. Heading back to Mankato from Rochester, Minnesota, I headed in the right direction through farm country.

Meet the Moos
These are a breed of cow that is brown, except for having a white face. They make for great portraits, if you have a little time to work with them. I got a few closer shots, but couldn't linger long.

Skeletal Barn Remains
Not much remains of this was-a-barn. The grain silos seem to have held up a little better, though.

Drainage in Waiting
This type of field drainage is becoming a big controversy in the Midwest. The plastic drainage pipes are burried in the field and do a good job of keeping conditions right for crops. The problem is that it also drains fertilizers and pesticides more directly to streams and rivers, increasing nitrate and pollutant levels in drinking water. Farmers have had decades of financially difficult times, so who can blame them from trying to be a little momre profitable? Changes to farming practices to protect water are good for all of us, but they will need to come with financial incentives to get support from the agricultural community.

Swimming Crops
The heavy rainfall left many fields in states similar to this one. The forecast calls for sunshine and drier days, though, and these puddles were probably dry by morning.

Hay For Sale
This is a barn I took a photo of in the middle of the winter and didn't know where it was. I found it again! Now, if they only sold straw in the springtime at a decent price, along with that hay...

Magically Sppoky
Of the barn photos I've taken, this one is, by far, my favorite. I spent a little extra time in Lightroom with it, brightening the flowers in the foreground to balance the light a little and draw the eye. It makes for a beautiful, yet somewhat eerie scene with the dilapidated barn in the mid-ground.

So... The Watermark. Any thoughts? I've decided that signing my photos is a good idea, but want an attractive, original signature that isn't too distracting. I used a 50% opacity in the last shot, but think it might look better pure white. Any thoughts? Suggestions?

Are Moo Looking at Mmmmmeee?

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How about wasabarnwednesday? I have barns, you have barns, or was-barns. ? Are you still doing wide angle wednesday? If so, I'll have to get some shots.

Your spooky photo is very nice. I enjoyed it.

I did notice your signature too....looks very professional. I like it :)

Thanks! That's about the fifth attempt at a signature. There are places that use fonts and just have you type your name, but that didn't seem very unique.

I plan on posting #wideanglewednesday, even if I'm the only one who ever does. It's fun and forces me to take wide shots.

Was-a-barn Wednesday would be fun, but those are kind of hard to find!

So I used my 18-55mm lens and try to keep it at 18mm right? What about the aperture? hints hints?

Well, the aperture isn't a biggie, for most wide angle shots. If you're around f/8, though, pretty much everything will be in focus at 18mm. it's also where lenses usually are at their sharpest, too, which is a plus.


The warping can get pretty intense, and portraiture with an ultra-wide can go south really fast!

Oh great....thanks!! I didn't know that about f/8. I hardly ever put it there so now I'll give that a go tomorrow.

Your photo looks like a giant egg from a scary dinosaur movie :)

I love the dilapidated barn too @fotosdenada.

I envy your skill with lightroom. sometimes I wish I could do more with my photographs.

I prefer the white watermark to opaque one and I think it could be a little bigger. 😁

Thanks! I wish I could upgrade to a newer version, but Lightroom 4 still works well enough. My edits are usually pretty light—just brightness, contrast, a little sharpness and maybe some color saturation. The field just needed something more in the barn photo.

Hrm. The watermark does look a tad small, didn't it...

I wish Google photos had a contrast slider and some specific colour saturation abilities @fotosdenada. It's a bit all or nothing as in you can't choose a part of the photograph to work on.

Maybe it will come. That would be great if it did and it was easy to use. I don't find photo editing comes very naturally to me. I know what I'd like to do but, even with the proper tools, I'm not very good at creating the effect I'm after. 😊

I LOVED the last title! I was slowly scrolling down, cause well, your photos even make me backtrack :)...anyway, thanks for the chuckle with that title! Loved the barn and appreciated the knowledge about the farmers.

With your watermark, I like the opaqueness, but what about a big X after Mark whereas the bottom portion of the X (closest to the k) moves left underlining Mark. That way you could be MarkX (USA version AND Spanish version). Jeez, I do really like what you did, I'm just giving you a suggestion should you want to incorporate the X since you really like Spain :) and I agree with @countrygirl, your signature does look professional as is :)

Thanks! I still don't know why a few of my friends in Spain called me Marx... lol

It took quite a few tries to get that watermark to look decent. Back when I was an undergrad, we had these $50,000 Wacom pressure-sensitive touch screens and I was wishing I had something like that to work with!

As I drove off, the cows all watched me go, and it reminded me of this time I was helping a friend with an art project (long story) on a farm in Wisconsin. The farmer had about twelve cows loose and, every time I turned around, they were in a perfect line, watching me. They were super sneaky! With ur backs turned, they'd follow us and then stop and watch, when we looked!

Lol, super sneaky cows at your magically spooky barn, THAT would make for a great horror movie scene!

WOW! your photography and blog is still amazing @fotosdenada

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