Activity at Lapang Beach
Lapang Beach is located in Lapang Village, Gandapura District, Bireuen District. This beach has a beautiful panorama.
In addition, this beach is also used as a place for fishermen looking for fish. Every morning, the fishermen pulled over to the mainland with their catch for one night sailing.
After bringing the catch, their boats parked by the beach. Late in the afternoon, the boats sailed again, and returned home the next day.
In addition, this beach is also used as a place to play football. Every afternoon, teenagers in various villages in Gandapura sub-district come here to play football.
I hope you like it, thanks for visiting my blog
apner likha theke aie beach somporke onek kisu janlam.
what you say, I do not understand that language @anikkhan
Lagak hai gam...
Peu arti nyan bg tom? @tom80
Luar biasa indahnya @fadhil. Tapi, supaya lebih rapi setiap foto itu diberikan tanda spasi.
Terima kasih bg @zamzamiali. Masukannya luar biasa. Terima kasih sudah berkunjung ke blog kami 😀
Sama-sama @fadhil. Sukses terus ya.
Siap bg @zamzamiali
Beautiful beautiful hahaha
Thanks komandan @ms1991
Wkwkwk alawek
dimana ngopi @ms1991?
Di Lamprit Caffee ni Bung @fadhil, sama si Hadi
Oke bung @ms1991