
Even with the crazy polution from that sinked wreck a few months ago and it still looks great. Stupidity of some people that don't care about a thing apart from their profit and their interests can be huge...

Εχεις απόλυτο δίκιο @aagr !!! Πήγα όμως πριν από την ρύπανση. που για κάποιους ωφέλιμους λόγους έγινε!!!

I love Salamina as it was one of the places I served during my literally endless military service in the Greek Navy!

Ι am glad to hear that @tkappa!!!:)

Kapispera..poli wraia foto kala eisai?? Se exw xasei tora teleutea?

Καλημέρα Νίκο!!! Δουλεύω συνεχόμενα 8 μέρες!! 1 και σήμερα !!!

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