Dorozhny is a settlement in the Vologda district of Vologda region, the administrative center of Priluksky rural settlement. The distance to the regional center of Vologda is 15 km .
The village is located on the federal highway M8. There is an airport nearby.
There are not many houses here, but the types are diverse.
There are both brick and wooden barracks.
There is also a newly built one among the apartment buildings.
The village is compact, but it has everything – garages, sheds, a shop, a medical center, and even a kindergarten.
It's cozy here in some places.
But in general it's boring.
The presence of the city is felt, as if there is no atmosphere of the village at all.
An open fire reservoir in the form of a small lake is located in a thicket of willows.
And there is also a large aboveground pedestrian crossing in Dorozhny.
It leads to a large country village.
Well, probably all about Dorozhny...