Sunday Selfies

in #photography6 years ago


First, sorry for another Sunday without polaroids, I’m too lazy to go buy new film atm, but I hope these real selfies make up for it.

I take a lot of self portraits which is very different from the selfies taken with just the iPhone.

Today I’m sharing you some real, impromptu, iPhone selfies I gathered from the camera roll in the past couple months. No filter, no editing, just as I am.















These are the kind of selfies friends and family get, or some that I just store for myself for no reason.

Hope everyone is having a relaxing Sunday!

I sure am, haven’t even gotten out of bed and it’s past noon.


Selfi has been very beautiful and looks very nice to you. The praise of iPhone is different, because the camera's direction is much better than many aspects.

Praise the iPhone

Very attractive and self revealing photos thank you for sharing.

Looks mostly like a lazy Sunday! Very beautiful photos, showing the different personalities of you. Enjoy your Sunday :)

This is bare..... It takes so much courage to show pictures like this, you are absolutely free spirited and real @eveuncovered

Yey, I’m a real girl 😛 thanks and have a great sunday!

Ah :))) Sunday is cool :)) But soon is new week and lot go back work :((

Sundays are the worst if you keep thinking about mondays work, get that out of your head!

:)))) No.... I must know this. Then I know I must find something that I can do something that will keep me from going to think this :)))

These are lovely. It's the first time inanities seeing a coloured photograph of you and they are really great.

Unfiltered photos are quite rare these days with all the phone apps that lets one do all sorts to a photograph.

Do have a splendid Sunday. I dragged myself out of bed painfully. I have to go see a friend who just had a baby but I would really love to sleep some more. Lol

Thank you very nuch :)

Go take a nap with the baby, a win-win situation!

Lol... I will try. Babies always look fragile in my eyes. Always scared to carry them.

Njääh, don’t be scared, those things are very durable! But I would advice to not roll on over the baby while napping.

Gosh, I would just die.

you looking very beautiful.
your eyes is so attractive.
love you

The one in the Rolling Stones shirt might be the cutest.

Don’t you just love it when girls buy band shirts and don’t even listen to the band, muahaha 😈

I don't blame anyone for not listening to The Rolling Stones.

In Germany we have a saying, that goes something like "work before pleasure". Haha.. interesting concept, when you like your job. What I want to say is, that I try to come to your blog, when no more obligations occupy my mind as I want to give this my full attention. Too valuable to click a quick upvote in the feed. Would feel like having someone buy my art and put it in storage...

I want to have the time and free mind to read and to look at all your pictures in full size. Hard to say, which one I like the best here, as they all have their own quality and let the viewer come much closer than in your more "artistic" pictures.. and I'm not just talking about the distance of your face to the camera. I really like the one with the guy in the red shirt in the background, with the reflection of the light in your eyes, like in the fist two photos and one can just see a hint of the darker circle around your deep blue iris.

Been thinking about you a lot yesterday (Sunday) as mentioned in my comments. Quite a surprise, when I came to see this post, as I had been thinking mostly about your real self. Hope this isn't disappointing...

For me there is a difference between you as a person, creator, yes, artist actually and your art. Even when it is with yourself as your sujet.

Don't get me wrong, I love your "other" photos as I am sure, you know. But like you said, you enjoy to see the steps of the creation of a painting, I like to see the "artist behind the art". And to me that is one of the secrets of your appeal. Your creativity, all the different facets, the roles you so perfectly play and yet a real and very special down to earth person 🤩

I get that and try to do the same when viewing the art from a person I appreciate and feel like deserves the pause to really look and not just scroll pass. I’d never want to put your art into a storage!

I love it when someone gets me, that I am both the character and the real me in my photographs. It’s expression and role play, different sides of me. Eveuncovered is a brand, it’s me, but it’s often a more polished, or exaggerated version of me or my feelings. It’s all intertwined, not black and white.

I’ve been sick today and your beautiful words definitely lifted my spirits :) ❤️

you look like a nerdy gurl which is so funny :))

Really, seeing you sharing these photos without any edit increases my self confidence. Pretty different than this evil lady:

I wonder how are you in real life, but I'll never know that :D

Lol, it’s the glasses! I’m an evil lady in disguise!

yeah, yeah, it's the glasses :)) I will never be able to look at you the same, miss Evelyn!

Sorry to ruin the fantasies 😂

No, you don't ruin anything. Actually I like you more being natural and happy than an evil erotic queen :))

Wish you all the best, Eve!

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