Foggy Morning

in #photography5 years ago


The snowy, wet and slushy days have passed and today it looks like spring again. When I got out of bed around 9am, the sun was already high, and there were remnants of fog so I ran outside with my camera. I sadly missed the best of the fog because I didn't notice it, even though I woke up around 7am. I just didn't open the curtains and immediately upon waking I started watching the newest episode of Game of Thrones, you know, priorities.

I need to start getting up earlier so I can catch those magical summer sunrises. It's getting lighter and lighter, sunrise being at 5am currently, soon even earlier. Gotta love Finnish summer.

Shot with the Nikon D7200 and Sigma 50-100mm f/1.8.








Voi perse että nää on niin hyviä ja jotenkin vähän epätodellisen näkösiä valokuvia. Varsinkin toi eka siltakuva. Ihan niinkuin se ois rakennettu tietokoneella. Tehdasheijastus on heti kakkosena, jos laittaisin nämä suosituimmuusjärjestykseen. Ja viimeinen kuva ois kolmanneksi paras. Jos siis laittaisin näitä paremmuusjärjestykseen. :)

What @galenkp said. :) Surreal photos.

No mutta kiitoksia kovasti, olen hieman hämilläni kuinka paljon juuri nämä kuvat herättivät kiinnostusta. Voiskohan se johtua siitä että harvoin on näin kirkasta samaan aikaan kun on sumua?

Mun piti "ihan just" vastata tähän ja nyt on jo mennyt 3 päivää.

Kyllä se taitaa johtua kuvaajan taidoista . :) No ehkä vähän myös sääolosuhteista.

That first bridge image almost doesn't look real! I love that photo. I'd use that for a wallpaper on my computer! I'm a photography-train-wreck and only dream of taking shots like this.

Legit photo. ☺️

Posted using Partiko Android

Want me to send it to you in its original quality so you can use it as your wallpaper? ;) You know how you can take shots like this? It's pretty easy: have a good camera and lens, understand the basics go photography, go outside and keep your eyes open, point and shoot. Not that difficult :)

If you could that would be great! I love the moodiness of it!

Posted using Partiko Android


You should be able to get the full resolution image by clicking this open, I hope you like it!

Hey Eve, thanks for that! I'm at home now but tomorrow it'll be on my desktop at work! Thanks for this, I owe ya @eveuncovered x

Thanks @eveuncovered! Happy with my new desktop image!

Posted using Partiko Android

Yay! I'm happy to see my photograph in use 🤗


Posted using Partiko Android

Great pics. Moody

WTF !!! Amazing photos!!!
This would have been my favourite if you'd gone for the 50-50% rather than the 1/3 rule

This one looks like a painting and is my favourite 🖤🖤

Well crop it yourself to please your eyes :P

Astonishing shots! Really baffling...

the first photo is especially beautiful! 👍

Posted using Partiko iOS

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