Almost Wide Open

in #photography6 years ago (edited)


Playing with the Sigma 50-100mm f1.8 on the forest all afternoon, inspired by @jasonrussell's wide open daily series, I took some almost wide open pictures, at f/2.2.

Signs of life, and a little bit of death.

Reach for the stars, moon, SUN, little ones.

"Oh I don't care what the trap looks like, as long as it works", said the spider.

"I'm going more for the Scandinavian clean lines and eco sustainability", said the spider number two.

Yas bokehhh lights and cute glimmers yasss babyyy whiiii.

And then there was death.

My darling huntsman @bellum, could you help me identify what this piece is?




Oh, you changed your business, I see, luring bokeh hoes in like a black widow..... :D

And can you believe it's working!?

Lol! You could think it would be harder.. But no. So many hoes (bokeh and normal ones)in a comment section of one post, it is almost beautiful <3

Almost poetic, without the justice 😇

Who needs the justice, I'm here and i'm awfully good at judgmenting!

Too many hoes lol.

So many hoes!

puolikas lantioluuta, ei hajua mittakaavasta, niin vaikea sanoa mikä eläin, nisäkäs kuites, ei lintu..ehkä kettu. One part of coxal bone (hip) I cannot say nothing about size, so hard to tell what animal, definitely mammal, not a bird...maybe fox. ...foxyfoxxxx=D

Foxyfoxxxx so there is the rest of it. I should have known!

Valehtelen että korkeimmasta kohtaa mitattuna n. 30.56cm. Jätin sen vielä tonne killumaan, mutta ehkä haen sisustuselementiksi vielä, nätti kun on, kävis kasvien kaveriks.

ok +30cm is quite a big ..mmhm! Aika iso on sit, valkohäntäpeura (pieni) tai aikuinen metsäkauris, toi terävä pää on poikki/ kulunut, siitä muodosta vois nähdä paremmin

oookei...nyt näkyy hyvin, liian pyöreä peuralle ja kauriille, toi on hirven

Piäääni hiiivi ollu.

Ihminen ei oo ainakaan. En oo haudannu sun kilpakosijoita just sinne suunnalle...eiku

I love sharp focus at the front and blurred backgrounds. Its so nice to see!

BTW the unidentified thing looks like a hip bone of some sort

Then you are a bokeh hoe too 😝

It looks like you were completely distracted and lay down on the forest ground for a few minutes... You know what would be really cool? To find a frying pan somewhere in the woods!

Oh you know, we still live in the woods over here, I have my own little cave!

OPEN IT UP!!!!!!!!! WIDER!!!

NO! I don't want to! I want more than 2 millimeters in focus!

ahahahaaahhhhaaaaa yeah there's that....

You do the 1.4, I'll stick to my fave 2.2 :D

C’monnn ya gotta experiment!!! It’s only like 4 clicks to the left!!!

Don't tell me what to do!

Hahaaaa I do what I want

These are beautiful. I don't really shoot wide open that much but I love how it almost creates little worlds within worlds, if that makes sense!

Thank you! I don't shoot wide open close ups that often either, but it's fun sometimes and clearly all these weirdos here like it :P And yes you are making sense :)

Oh how i do love me some bokeh! And those Sigma lenses really produce the good stuff!

Lol all you bokeh hoes, you are cracking me up! 😅😂 I'll prob have to take some with 1.8 aperture and 100mm and make all your wet bokeh dreams come true! 😝

lol! uh oh! I have outed myself as a bokeh hoe! Don't judge me! :P

My Sigma brings all the bokeh hoes to the yard...

... and they're like, it's better than yours...

beautiful photography....

When does wide open not look awesome! Bokeh is what made me want a 'real' camera over a decade ago! Apparently the Sigma 1.8 zooms were made at the focal lengths they were because it was quicker than making one with a longer range which Canon have in the works. That meant Sigma could get to market quicker, also they can rarely charge what Canon can for their Zooms, so they had to cut something out. Fortunately it wasn't the quality, they have really made some stunning lenses over the last 5 years.

What a lens. Didnt know it was available. Very nice sharpness. Lovely captures

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