
Very nice I prefer softer highlights, but I don't really have any experience with studio. I would like to have, one day though.

softer highlights... they tend to make your pictures less "crispy"...
it's al a matter of creative choice :-)

Did you actually use all the lights in the first photo? Or were some of them turned off? Looks like you may have the round one in lower left shut off, and the one in the lower right not doing anything either.

the one in the lower right is switched off... that is right! but the other one is tuned on. But ther eis also a BIG umbrella in a small flash.
In total i use eleven flashes and i turn them on or off as i seem fit :-)

Ususally i have a lot of small flashes for the floor etc. It's not really white anymore

Great shots! Your work I assume?

Thank you :-) and yes... i am a full-time photographer

That's really cool. I've played around some with art nude shots. My camera is a dinosaur but it was fun, got some decent shots for what I was working with. Hardest one I had to do was a family portrait. My son's mother was very dark and i'm pretty white lol. With the 3 of us lighting was real tricky lol.

Anyway, great work!

What you nee is "bigger" lightsources. So: bounce the light of a big piece of white. It helps you create a wider light.
I li
ke to use a "light-sphere" as you can see in the middle of this picture.

Yea that seems cool. I was having lot of trouble with the diverse skin tone together in one shot.

My light was crap lol

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