Adults Give Up On Magic Too Soon, And Too Easily. 🔮

There was a time when you BELIEVED in your ability to make ugly things, beautiful. Broken things, fixed. Wrong things, right. Bad things, good.
Depending on how you were raised, you held on to those super-powers
as long as you could, but it probably was not for very long.
It is rather soon that people who have had their magic stolen,
come 'round to try and steal yours, too. Sad.
Magic, most simply means, "to influence events."
There are as many ways to exert this influence, as there are people.
People use all kinds of resources and assets to influence events to their liking.
We regularly use things such as creativity, discipline, technology, contacts, currency, memory, attractiveness, intelligence, strategy, strength, etc. to create outcomes we hope for.
Each of these falls under my loose definition of magic...
...and adults give up on it too soon, and too easily.
They are easily talked out of miracles, and amazing 'impossibilities'
that may very well want to conspire for your GOOD.
There would never be a cemetery big enough to hold
all the aborted dreams, slain in the name of "realism."
Screw realism.
Anybody can see "what is."
Where's the imagination and bravery in that?
What's game-changing or life-sweetening,
about focusing on what's happening in the news and markets?
Y'know what realism truly is?
Realism is actually DEFEATISM, dressed up like somebody important!
It's the attitude or practice of accepting a situation as it is,
and being prepared to deal with it accordingly.
"...accepting a situation as it is." <--- Well, what happens
when you run into UNacceptable situations?
What do you do when something UNacceptable challenges your health,
your household, your community, your career, your finances, etc.
Do you just hunker down, and say:
"Oh, well... It is, what it is... I'M A REALIST!"
We are able to change the matter(s) within, and around, us.
So it doesn't suit me to accept the unacceptable,
and then pretend I've taken a mature or realistic position.
I'd rather push against what I find unacceptable.
And, even more preferable than that, is to
create + construct what I find desirable.
What a perfect post to read to start my Tuesday morning with!
I'm so happy to read that, @melinda010100 :-) Thank you!
You bring such beauty into this world Erika. Thank you! I've re-steemed and also thought you would enjoy one of my favorite quotes from a fun little book called Boys Life:
"See, this is my opinion: we all start out knowing magic. We are born with whirlwinds, forest fires, and comets inside us. We are born able to sing to birds and read the clouds and see our destiny in grains of sand. But then we get the magic educated right out of our souls. We get it churched out, spanked out, washed out, and combed out. We get put on the straight and narrow and told to be responsible. Told to act our age. Told to grow up, for God's sake. And you know why we were told that? Because the people doing the telling were afraid of our wildness and youth, and because the magic we knew made them ashamed and sad of what they'd allowed to wither in themselves."
Robert McCammon, Boy's Life
@layl: I've seen this p💥werful excerpt before, but it was not attributed... so I never knew the source. It stopped me in my tracks, then and now. Thank you so much for sharing this, Cody! I thoroughly enjoyed it, as well as all the beauty YOU make in the world! 'Preciate you. 💜
Damn powerful post here! I love your spirituality and heart energy. Keep on doing you!
THANK YOU, @flexifriday!! Your words are cool water 💦 in a dry desert. 💙
A wonderful article I really enjoyed.
I think all progress comes from defying realism and is realized by dreamers who find the courage to act on their dreams, not allowing the "realistic" masses to pull them down to their vegetating level.
Hellmut Schmitt, one of the German chancellors once said
"People with visions should go see the doctor."
which I actually find quite funny, but it is also a fitting explanation of the politicians´dilemma. Very few have real visions, dreams for a better future, they are just the administrators of the status quo and actually opposed to real change and magic because that would mean their demise.
Thanks for your comment, @likedeeler. There is certainly no shortage of Schmitts! lol So it strengthens my heart to connect with others who are open in this way. I'm glad you're here. 🌸
Loving this post! On my way to check out your page now. :)
*shared this goodness.
Aw, THANKS, @mamadini! I'm checkin you out, too! 😉 And really appreciate the Re-Steem. 🌸
You rock and I am glad to have added you to my feed now -- Great people and interesting content is what floats my boat. Open minds and free thinking. <3
Have a wonderful day.
Let's float, @mamadini! 🚣🏽💙
pastor 🌮 tacos are magic for your tummy
@acab1312news: bahaha!! and thin crust pizza! 🍕 mmmm 😋
I believe in magic again after binging on 18 hours of Twin Peaks... and you're right, adults are way to quick to discard it. The world is full of magic.
Oooh, Twin Peaks. Now there's a magical memory! Great, bingey way to shift mindset, @heymattsokol. ✨
I'm with you on the idea that we can heal the world with our faith in the ability to transmute energy (turn negatives into positives), and yeah, "magic" is a fair way of expressing it. "Miracles" is another way. The other day I read something really disheartening about how there are no more miracles in the world, and it's simply not true. To me, there are miracles every moment. So many reasons to believe that the world is turning in our favor, if only we will do our Work.
YES, to all of this, @cabelindsay! :-)
Hey, I want you to know I’m spotlighting this article of yours tonight in a curated list, recognizing posts that shine in their optimistic realism. Here's the link: The Top #11 List - Discovering Steemit’s Most Radical Creative Thinkers. Hugs and high-fives!
@cablelindsay, you made my day with that! Thanks for the honor of inclusion. 😊 Loved, Upvoted and Resteemed.
Rock on! Thank you. I really appreciate you.
I would have to dissent some. Realism is a part of practicality most of the time. I would consider heavy cynicism closer to defeatism. rather than realism. Cynicism and Realism are not synonymous together. Magick needs the physical realm with the laws of causes and effect to work in natural processes, also the metaphysics is the realm of the ideas. "As above, so below. So below, as above." Each of these have different laws that manifest. There is a real world with real laws and to know these laws is the key to manifestation. I understand the empowering view behind this article, but to deny realism and conflate it to cynicism is a pill I cannot swallow. There has to be balance.
Thanks for caring enough to dissent, @robertapowell. And for having the backbone to NOT swallow a pill you find UNacceptable. You pushed back, against my reality, because it doesn't jive with yours. And that's exactly what this post is calling for.
More asserted will. Less passive obedience.
And no, no balance for that which is unacceptable.
Have you ever heard of the game Magic: The Gathering Erika? It taught me that my decisions have consequences.
Awesome learning, @inhale. I hadn't heard of it... and when I looked it up, among other things, I saw this:
Learn something new everyday! Especially when you are posting Erika =)