A Photographic Journey Through 2017 (Original photos and text by @eric-boucher. Part 1/2)

in #photography7 years ago

A Photographic Journey Through 2017

(Original photos and text by @eric-boucher. Part 1/2)

2017 just released us from its grip of ups and downs and, mostly, scattered energies… I don’t know about you, but I have seen a lot of people trying to fight it and getting TKOed by this year. It knocked senses into them, luckily! For me, I slowed down and sat like a mountain when events came crashing down everywhere around me. Not to say that it has been a year without its challenges or surprises though. So, follow me for a photographic journey of this year review in stories and images.

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(The view from my kitchen window looking out west to one of Haida Gwaii’s epic sunset over Skidegate Inlet. )

The year started in the serene warmth of my humble abode atop of Eagle Hill Rd., on Haida Gwaii, after an overdue Christmas visit with Taissia and her children, Rhea and Alex, who are living in Nanaimo, on Vancouver Island. Following the bliss of soul mate reunion, I returned up north to my solitary retreat.

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“Home alone” as my landlords living about 40 meter away were gone for the first 2 months of the year, at the end of the road, overlooking the ocean, I was left in elation most of the time. Snows had even came for a visit and the magic of this green paradise on the edge of the Pacific Ocean abyss brought the inhabitants of the archipelago newness and revitalization. Vit D is in great shortage in the Pacific Northwest where the subject of sun or sunshine itself almost becomes unwarranted as the short hours coupled with layers upon layers of thick clouds block the covotted stellar manna.

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At work, I kept on working with the younger grades and French Immersion, for my last months as the program was going to be cancelled… Spending a lot of time with the integration of my new beloved little friends from Syria in the Grade 1 class was a blessing that brought countless blessings for all involved with the heart.

Every winter, the season brings some degree of gloominess and for doo reason: So many elders pass away. Repository of knowledge and wisdoms expressions of what it is to be human rarely if ever encountered by the great majority of soul on on planet today…

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(The presence of the mythological Raven never misses a chance to remind you of the unknown and the passing away into obscurity leaving one to wonder and often wander, not necessarily lost. Here, Raven appears on the corner of the aperture and come make act of presence in front of one of the most stunning sunset of the year. As if this spectacle paid tribute to one of the great soul who walked upon on earth as I finished prayers for her official departure on that evening.)

As time stops for no one, spring came in, though much later this year as the season of snows cloaked our lands much longer than usually, and brought a radical explosion of life. It unfurled at an unbelievable pace! The process of blossoming to flowering to fruition could hardly keep up. For weeks of our birds arrival was impatiently awaiting what was to inexorably to exude from nature’s miracle. Just in time to feed the all.

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(Welcoming me everyday for a week, the Japanese cherry blossom tree at the entrance of my cabin carpeted my arrivals and departures with its petals as if to indicate with precision the spiritual delicacies of the living in this magical location.)

The first official turn of the season occurs in conjunction with the arrival of the herring. Huge shoals serpentine their way through the gateways of the main two islands. Coming from the “West Coast” of Haida Gwaii as well as from the south, the populate multiple shores turning them with milky semen and the birds regale on the luxuriant abundance.

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As we say up here, “When the tide is out, the table is set.” reminds us all of the importance of subsistence living. not only for its traditional source and behavioural heritage, but still today for its high quality food resource among almost all people who are living in this part of the world: Crabs, shellfish, seaweeds can easily be gathered to feed a family of four during a small 10 minute walk. Something to think about when it comes to food sustainability and food sovereignty: Keeping our air, lands and waters pristine allows us to do this still today, in many places on this small planet called home. Being in a city might not allow us to realize that we, as humans, have the powers to revive or leave in peace the territories, waters and air that allows for us all to enjoy sustainable living and to live a little bit more off the land with powerful scrumptious foods to feed everyone’s body and soul for countless generations as all of our ancestors did for themselves and us all today…

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(Haida Watchmen atop the significant totem poles flourishing on Haida Gwaii.)

As if the Haida Watchmen with all their might had all of a sudden summoned the supernaturals, along with the procession of vegetation, the animal reign woke up, sprung up and busied itself all over the air, lands and waters… A couple of very shy Pacific wren, known to never live by people houses, came nesting on my porch, pollen along with hummingbirds wizzed by as my landlords had came back and placed a feeder for these tiny highly territorial flying miracles to quench their insatiable appetite. The usual deer calling over night during early spring brought their fawns up to date and a mink kept rummaging through the area feasting on rats. As both rats and deer are highly invasive species, the idea of see the rats disappear was bringing uplifting thoughts while the other brought saliva to my palate! One really has to try deer tacos or a divine roast stewed in red wine, rosemary, black pepper and garlic…

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Humpback whales come to the rendez-vous along with fishermen’s boats patrolling the bountiful ocean. As a photographer and nature lover, it is a time of plenty were each nook and cranny hides gushing amount of life’s secrets. Often, as I am on my way to school or as I am coming back from my daily routine, I stop by the K’ay Llnagaay Haida Heritage Centre to hang out with the humpback and their calves, seals, sea lions, otters, kingfishers, and the mythical creatures duo of eagles ravens which gave the Haidas their emblem.

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On these far remote islands where first nation cultures have had to struggle harshly to survive, the ways of their ancestors are repatriated and, since the re-inception of their potlatches rights, many feasts have been celebrated to underline the history of their families, houses, clans, crests, to deal with internal affairs as well as external political issues and to commemorate deaths, name giving and adoptions as well as special feats. Chief among them is the raising of totem poles which attracts people from all over the world, especially when the person responsible for its raising is a prominent living legend among his people… This spring, it was the case for our friend Guujaaw, admirable leader for its people renown for his powerful voice, both as a speaker and a singer, and soul stirring drummer. His Haida name can actually be translated as “Drum”. An excellent wood carver who knows his lands and waters very well since he spent so much time in the so-called wilderness around the archipelago since his tender youth, can help people heal themselves with local plants, rocks, animals and so forth. Also known as an activist, he has fought for years, openly, for the rights of his people and generations to come.

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(Guujaaw newly renamed Gidansda, title given to the hereditary chief of Gakjyaals Kiiqawaay, rose this totem pole in memory of this new name given to him and the history that comes along the wearing of this name.)

This is the end of Part 1/2 as we have reached the beginning of summer. In our second part of the review, we are going to see the last travels through Haida Gwaii before my moving away from the Misty Isles, a 5-day pit-stop in Greece before hanging out in Terrace on the way to Taissia’s home, in Nanaimo, on Vancouver Island, where I am still living now, the results of some photography around the area and new involvement with the “Bellyhood Consortium” before Christmas and New Year’s Celebration.

Stay tuned for Part 2/2! Till then, keep your smiles, take good care Steem on and, above all, thrive on.



Fantastic photos, accompanied by a good story. They are all beautiful, but the one I prefer is the sunset with the raven.

Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts and feelings about the text and the pictures too, much appreciated. glad to know you are favouring the Raven Sunset shot, I love it too!

Namaste :)

wow this is real natural talent @eric-boucher anytime i read and watch your pictures I get this 3D feelings in your photos as if i am at where it was taken wow. you are really talented and will pass by for tutorials soon. i am on a journey to photography and i think you would be off great help @eric-boucher . Lovely post you have there, all the best


This is definitely one of the nicest comment I have ever received, thank you so very much for the lush compliments throughout the whole comment! I do aim at making the other people feel the location and what was going on in my heart and soul. I am so happy to know it is touching you the way it is intended to do. This puts a very easy smile on my face while getting even more warmth in my heart.

Namaste :)

You deserve it all bro @eric-boucher i will make it a daily activity to check up on your blog anytime you post anything, i dont think i would want to miss any post anymore! Please try and lets please chat on discord @eric-boucher ...I am kofpato9997 on discord.
You are the best @eric-boucher

Namaste :)

Wow, thanks a lot @kofpato, I'm not sure how to use discord quite yet... I try to send messages and it doesn't seem to work out for me yet. LOL!!! Maybe eventually I'll discover how to make it work?!?

Namaste :)

i know that feeling bro @eric-boucher ... but with time you will soon be used to it bro. Anyway how can i find you on steemit chat???

On Steem.chat, I'm at the very same name. :)

ohok bro

Sir @eric-boucher How amazing the view from your kitchen window. I really enjoyed this part of your journey of 2017. As you told about the islands, and cherry blossom tree, ocean, vegetarian things, and your choices I am really enjoying. Video of spiring passing by you, is really entertaining. All the images are looking splendid.

I think you totally enjoyed your last year. There is nothing about your failure and sadness in this blog. It's amazing that you are showing the parts of your happiness. I wish this year for you will full of memorial. And you'll get all that what had remained in last.

I am excited to visit the second part of this journey. That all time goes wonderful when I talk to you. I remember our last meeting which was done on your blog. Have a good day!

Namaste Namaste from India. <3 <3 <3 <3

What a great comment!

Thank you so very much, I am glad to read its warmth and positive wave. It is much appreciated.

Namaste :)

Most welcome sir

All of the photos are stunning but my favorites are of the otter poking his head out of the water and the majestic whale with its tail emerging out of the water. Such wonderful images of nature at its best. The cherry blossoms in the spring are also very beautiful. You are very blessed to live in such a beautiful place and I can see that you really appreciate it. Thank you for sharing.

Thank you so very much for sharing your warm words of appreciation with me.

The "otter" poking its head out is actually a seal and, in itself, it is funny to read this because at the same time, there was an otter grunting at me for being there, near its nesting grounds, I supposed! ;) Cool synchronicity.

Namaste :)

Thanks. I think my brain told me it was a seal but I typed otter. Don't know why. Haha. But it is great that you saw both!

I spent some time in BC after tree planting for a summer. Nature there was so awe inspiring. Being alone with a bag of trees and some headphones. Made some art about it back in the day, maybe I'll post some soon :)

Great comment, I would love to see the results of how inspiring nature had been, even while wearing headphones... The experiences one can have and share here in the wilderness are absolutely awesome, in deed, and I am glad to know you have had a bit of its potency while being here. Were you planting up "north" near Terrace and did you meet Denis Gagné or Philippe Grant on your crew???

Namaste :)

It was like 15 years ago, so I'll have to find the pics on my puter when I'm back in my home office. I did tree planting a few summers in different places, mostly near Quesnel, but those names don't sound familiar. I actually published a couple of Artventure diary and sketchbooks called the "Sunlight Chronicles" that documented most of that. The first is sold out but the second you can still get here - http://positivecreations.net/product/book-2-of-the-sunlight-chronicles/

I got the first one before it sold out lol I'll have to find it, you signed it to me I think :)

Awesome pictures, this demonstrates how vital nature is for us. We should take administer to it.

It is so vital to know what nature brings, we share this fortune and need to secure for future.

Words of wisdom you are sharing with us here, thank you so very much for doing so. Furthermore, I am glad to know you are appreciating the results of this photography, it warms my heart to know that it does in such a manner.

Namaste :)

I'm glad I found this post, gave me some cool synchronicities! You talk about the raven, and then in the video there's a deer - I'm working on a painting with ravens, deer and herons right now! I'm an artist from Montreal. Just finding my way around Steemit, loving this platform so far! Followed you.

In deed, great synchronicities between us! I'm so glad you are enjoying the results of this photography and even happier to know that you have decided to become part of the fellowship. Much appreciated!

I'm originally from Québec City area and have been on the platform since before its official opening... I'll check out your blog in a second as well.

Namaste :)

Awesome, I notice there are a lot of Canadians on here! I guess maybe you're part of the reason? lol I first heard about Steemit from an artist friend I have in Washington state.

Might this friend be a common one, @jankasparec? ;) Thanks for the kind words again, namaste :)

Oh hey Hi Adam! Adam is the one who told me about me Steemit :)

Namaste. You've captured the gift of this amazing area artfully and gracefully. I feel longing to go north and peace enjoying the beauty of your share.

I am so glad to know that it resonates with your being too, it sure does with mine... Thanks a lot for your kind words, they are much appreciated.

Namaste :)

Amazing images. I have yet to visit, but I plan on taking the family there in the near future. Thanks for sharing these powerful images, @eric-boucher.

I am so glad to know the results of this photography might just make you and the family go visit the islands... I sure wish it for you all! Knowing this photography inspires people to do so is a great compliment and contains blessings, namaste :)

Wonderful pictures, this proves how important nature is for us. We must take care for it.
It is so important to be aware what nature brings, we share this treasure and have to secure for future.

In deed, caring for nature, nature cares for us right back! It takes double-blinfolds not to see this truth. Thanks for the kind words of appreciation, namaste :)

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