Testing out my new (17 year old) camera!
Now that I'm out of debt (for the first time in 13 years), I can finally upgrade a few of my aging/failing/broken/missing belongings, like my camera. I got my hands on it today, so let's take it for a spin.
I've used the exact same model (Canon SD790) since it was first released 17 years ago. This is the 4th time I've bought it, having worn out the previous 3. They're always available "used" (often barely touched) for about $150, no matter how much time has gone by. Once I finally had a few dollars in my pocket for the first time in a dog's age, I knew I had to update my camera. Better photos and videos of my family, and of course other stuff like creating content.
I'm teaching myself to bake bread (gluten and dairy free) from scratch in my kitchen, and a loaf just came out of the oven, so I snapped a few quick shots in automatic mode.
I've made about 20 loaves over the past few weeks. They've all been edible, and most of them have been really good. I'm still working on getting them that perfect fluffy-chewy texture, something really hard to do without wheat (gluten), but I'm getting there.
This one was a rolled loaf, with nice form, a decent rise, and great smell.
I'll do a future post about the bread itself. For now, I think you'll agree the photos are reasonably good, especially for a camera manufactured in 2008.
I've shrunk the shots down for the blockchain, of course. And these photos were taken in low lighting conditions. But I'm already pretty happy with it, especially compared to my last camera. I used that one for about 5 years, and it was probably the worst of all 4 - a real lemon. This one's clearly much better.
That's the new camera. I think I see a faint blotch under the left 'T', but otherwise looks great. The shadow on the right side of the paper is because of my lighting, not the camera.
Now, the exact same shot, and same settings, on the old camera:
Wow! I'm glad I did that test. And I'm really glad I'm not relying on that nasty old piece of junk anymore! To think, that's the camera I used to take all the photos we've got of our daughter, who is now 3...
Anyway, onward and upward!!
Expect some nicer photos and videos in my content from here on. Next, I'd like to get a nice tripod. And later this year, an upgrade to some other hardware.
For now though, it's time for a slice of warm bread. Why, certainly. Do you take it with butter and honey? Yes please.