Night of Museums Split 2018

in #photography7 years ago


One off the Chelsea blog :)

Tonight was a Night of Museums in Croatia, meaning all the museums (well, most of them) opened their door between 18:00 pm and 01:00 am.

I had time only to visit 3 of them. I visited Ivan Meštrović gallery - art museum dedicated to the sculptor Ivan Meštrović and his work in the 20-th century, Ethnographic Museum Split - ethnography museum with traditional costumes, crafts and culture of Dalmatian Coast and people, mostly fisherman and pesant, and finally the one I liked the most (and I have to say that I'm not a museum guy really)

Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments.

It is museum dedicated to presenting and researching cultural artifacts of the Croatians in the Middle age, between the 7-th and 15-th centuries.

There was a really lot of stuff to see, but I will share only few with you because this post would have been way too long (maybe in the next one :) ).

First one is History Of Croatians on his (most likely) mother's lap.


The sculpture is presenting caring mother the guardian of the national and cultural heritage.

Then we have Baška tablet, one of the first monuments containing an inscription in the Croatian language written in the Glagolitic script, dating from year 1100. (!)


This is The Baptismal Font of Prince Višeslav, the first Croatian Prince who reigned around year 800. It is one of the most important monuments of church furnishing and it witness to the time when Croatians were Christianized.


Finally there is screen slab with the figure of Croatian ruler from Split, dating from 11-th century (copy). The original is placed in Split too,
on the baptismal font in the Cathedral of Saint Domnius (one more "must see" place)


I hope you like it and that you will come one day to visit this one and all other museums in Split! :)

P.S. please excuse any grammatical errors


Cestitke na donaciji

Nema problema, i drugi put! :)

Šta se dešava sa morskim akvarijumom? Vidim postoji tamo ali je zatvoren. Proširuju ga?

Stvarno ti ne znan, navodno je zatvoren radi preuređivanja već duže vremena.

Ove fotke su napravljene baš na dan muzeja? U Zagrebu je to nemoguće. Tolika je gužva da se uopće ne isplati ići, barem ako si moje "metar i šumska jagoda" visine. Ne vidiš ništa osim leđa čovjeka ispred sebe i ramena onih do sebe i ne možeš pobjeć, krećeš se korak po korak zajedno sa kolonom.

Baš na dan muzeja! :) Ipak ste vi metropola i ljudi su puno više kulturno osviješteni nego ode kod nas. :D

Hahahaha, da bar. Nije to već u Zagrebu ima puno više ljudi koji se lijepe na riječ "besplatno" bez obzira što besplatno bilo pa je ogromna gužva.

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(ispričavam se ukoliko si već tamo, ovaj komentar post-am po redu svima)

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