The color of the forest fruits (boeh birah)

in #photography7 years ago

The color of the forest fruits (boeh birah)

Warni warni buah keladi hutan ( boeh birah)

Taro fruit is the most favored wild plants of birds. In our area
The fruit of taro may already be familiar to the rural community. Because the taro is very often we encounter in seputaran home page or in our fields.
Fruit taro divided by 2 types.

Buah keladi merupakan tanaman liar yang paling disukai burung. Di daerah kita
Buah keladi mungkin sudah tak asing lagi bagi masyarakat pedalaman. Karna buah keladi tersebut sangatlah sering kita temui di seputaran halaman rumah atau di ladang kita.
Buah keladi dibagi 2 jenis.

That is the usual taro and taro forest (that's the name in our area)
Yaitu keladi biasa dan keladi hutan.(itu sebutan di daerah kami)

Taro regular. It usually bears fruit in the soil and is colorless.
while taro forest, can be fruitful on both sides. ie in the ground or on the ground (land) and colored as in the photo.
Keladi biasa. Biasanya berbuah di dalam tanah.dan tidak berwarna.
sedangkan keladi hutan, bisa berbuah di dua sisi. yaitu di dalam tanah atau di atas tanah(darat) dan berwarna seperti di photo tersebut.

Taro fruit is not a fruit in the need of humans, because with the sap that itch, it could be about the hands or other human body.
This photo I took when I was in the field, and it would be wonderful if the photo of the fruit. decorated with beautiful birds.
Buah keladi bukanlah buah yang di perlukan manusia, karna dengan getah yang gatal, bisa saja mengenai tangan atau tubuh manusia yg lainnya.
Foto ini saya ambil ketika saya berada di dalam ladang, dan alangkah indah nya bila photo buah tersebut. dihiasi burung-burung yang indah.



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