Glad you are in steemit because selfishly I love looking at your photos! 😍 joyeux steemit anniversaire! I would have NEVER known English isn’t your first language!
So many !!!!! 😄
Glad you are in steemit because selfishly I love looking at your photos! 😍 joyeux steemit anniversaire! I would have NEVER known English isn’t your first language!
So many !!!!! 😄
I'm glad you like my photos!! It inspires me to go take more 😍. Merci pour les voeux d'anniversaires :)
I have lived in a predominantly english area for the last 12 years, been learning on my own since my teens and do my post secondary in english, I had time to learn and not sound like too much of a frenchie 😛 my family is from Quebec&northern New-Brunswick.
I tried to learn French in high school, but I had the worst teacher (Raspy smokers voice and a German accent!) I quickly switched to Spanish. ☺️ It’s a shame because my grandmother’s family came from France. She was fluent but then it got lost with all of her kids & grandkids.