Among ruins
Hi there.
I hope you're doing great.
Life presents us with interesting paths to follow, so much so that sometimes, at least in my particular case, I am surprised by so many "coincidences". A few weeks ago I met one of the owners of the abandoned house I published in this post.
La vida nos presenta interesantes caminos a seguir, tanto que a veces, al menos en mi caso particular, me sorprenden tantas "casualidades". Hace unas semanas conocí a uno de los propietarios de la casa abandonada que publiqué en este post.
This dilapidated house hides not only an interesting story but it was about to be the scene of a tragedy. In a future post, I will share more details about it. For the time being, I share with you these photos I took during my last visit to this place.
Esta casa en ruinas esconde no sólo una interesante historia sino que estuvo a punto de ser el escenario de una tragedia. En un próximo post compartiré más detalles al respecto. Por el momento, comparto estas fotos que tomé durante mi última visita a este lugar.
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Lots of love,