Beatutiful Birds ( Brazil Atlantic Forest )
Sample of the most beautiful birds of my country Brazil, in our threatened Atlantic Forest. All images were recorded by Germano Woehl Junior, in the Itajai River Rapids, in Itaiópolis (SC) and in the Rão-bugio Sanctuary, in Guaramirim (SC). Learn more about the biodiversity richness of the Atlantic Forest on the site of the Frog-Biodiversity Conservation Institute for Biodiversity. If you want to see more images like these visit
The RÃ-BUGIO Institute for the Conservation of Biodiversity is a non-profit and non-governmental organization (NGO) from Southern Brazil created in 2003. Their mission is to save the remaining areas of the Atlantic Rainforest with its unique and rich biodiversity.
The names are not technical but as people here know them ...
I hope these images touch you !
Amazing. We do not have such beautiful birds in my country
Hi oncyfia , they are beautiful aren't they ? I'm sure your country has other kind of beautifull animals or plants ! Why don't you share with us ?
Thanks !
I'll be following you ..
Thank you for follow, I follow back :) We do have some beautiful things here too but they are not so tropical and colorful like in Brazil. Thanks for idea, I will create a post about flora and fauna of Lithuania later