Peace Lilly, Peppermint, Tomato Flowers & Chíi
(..some of the flowers in the indoor garden, and my best friend..)
..Chíi near the Peace Lilly..
(..probably my only friend..)
(..last flower of the season, it seems that is preparing to grow new ones already, this plant gives flowers all Year round randomly even though it shouldn't and I never gave any sort of growth hormone nor substrate, only water and love, might be due to the lights coming from the street lamps, temperature..)
(..yes, peppermint not spearmint, they're related but peppermint has a stronger smell and flavour, leaves grow in pair and stems are red or purple..)
(..w/ a few cherimoya and avocado small trees and also some turmeric plants refusing to grow on the background, I believe due to lack of space on the pot =S..)
(..Gotta love the flowers and the tea, oh my God the tea, or fruit salad with chopped leaves, yummy..)
(..this season offered me 4 small tomatoes x) ..)
..until next one..
In Lak'ech Ala K'in
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